public AutoSuggestMode AutoSuggestMode {get; set;}
'Declaration Public Property AutoSuggestMode As AutoSuggestMode
AutoSuggestMode works together with System.Windows.Forms.TextBox.AutoCompleteMode and System.Windows.Forms.TextBox.AutoCompleteSource properties. The AutoSuggestMode works only if CustomSource"/> or ListItems value is used in System.Windows.Forms.TextBox.AutoCompleteSource. The property does not have any effect if System.Windows.Forms.TextBox.AutoCompleteSource is any of AllSystemSources, AllUrl, FileSystem, FileSystemDirectories, HistoryList, None, RecentlyUsedList, HistoryList. The property does not have any effect if System.Windows.Forms.TextBox.AutoCompleteMode is any of Node or Append.
Items in Auto-Suggest mode are shown without images and formatting as a plain text.
C1ComboBox enters in Auto-Suggest mode when user types a character sequence that matches the filtering criteria.