C1.Win.C1Input.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.C1Input Namespace / DateTimeStyleFlags Enumeration

DateTimeStyleFlags Enumeration
Used by ParseInfo.DateTimeStyle property.
Public Enum DateTimeStyleFlags 
   Inherits System.Enum
AllowInnerWhiteIndicates that extra white space characters in the middle of the string must be ignored during parsing.
AllowLeadingWhiteIndicates that leading white space characters must be ignored during parsing.
AllowTrailingWhiteIndicates that trailing white space characters must be ignored during parsing.
AllowWhiteSpacesIndicates that extra white space characters anywhere in the string must be ignored during parsing.
NoCurrentDateDefaultIndicates that, if the parsed string contains only the time and not the date, the parsing methods assume the Gregorian date with year = 1, month = 1, and day = 1. If this value is not used, the current date is assumed.
NoneIndicates that the default formatting options must be used.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also