C1.Win.C1Input.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.C1Input Namespace / NumericInputKeyFlags Enumeration

NumericInputKeyFlags Enumeration
Used by C1TextBox.NumericInputKeys property.
Public Enum NumericInputKeyFlags 
   Inherits System.Enum
AllThis value is a combination of all enum values
DecimalIndicates that Decimal key enters a decimal separator regardless of culture settings.
F2Indicates that F2 enters negative infinity (-Infinity).
F3Indicates that F3 enters positive infinity (+Infinity).
F4Indicates that F4 enters the "not a number" value (NaN).
F9Indicates that F9 toggles the sign of the displayed number.
MinusIndicates that '-' makes the displayed number negative.
NoneIndicates that none of the Input Keys are used.
PlusIndicates that '+' makes the displayed number positive.
StandardThis value is a combination of the F9, Minus, Plus, Decimal, and X values.
XIndicates that the X key starts entry of the exponent part in scientific-notation numbers.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also