Task-Based Help / Configuring Fields in Code
Configuring Fields in Code

FlexPivot allows users to configure fields programmatically. The control comes with a powerful object model that enables developers in configuring fields, applying filters, and specifying format of data fields in code.

To configure fields in code, complete the following steps.

  1. Create a new Windows Forms Application project.
  2. Drag-and-drop FlexPivotPage control (see the FlexPivotPage icon in the Toolbox) onto the form.
  3. Switch to the code view and add the following code to set up a connection string with c1nwind.mdb database.
    Private Shared Function GetConnectionString() As String
        Dim path As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + "\ComponentOne Samples\Common"
        Dim conn As String = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source={0}\c1nwind.mdb;"
        Return String.Format(conn, path)
    End Function
  4.  Add the following code within the Form's constructor to load data (Invoices view) from the database, assign it to the FlexPivotPage control, and initialize a default view.
    ' get data
    Dim da = New OleDbDataAdapter("select * from invoices", GetConnectionString())
    Dim dt = New DataTable()
    ' bind to FlexPivot page
    Me.FlexPivotPage1.DataSource = dt
    ' build view
    Dim fp = Me.FlexPivotPage1.FlexPivotEngine
    fp.RowFields.Add("OrderDate", "ProductName")
  5. Use the following code to format the ExtendedPrice and OrderDate fields. This code sets the format of the ExtendedPrice field to Currency and that of the OrderDate field to Year.
    ' format order date and extended price
    Dim field = fp.Fields("OrderDate")
    field.Format = "yyyy"
    field = fp.Fields("ExtendedPrice")
    field.Format = "c"
    ' show average price (instead of sum)
    field = fp.Fields("ExtendedPrice")
    field.Subtotal = C1.FlexPivot.Subtotal.Average
  6. Add the following code to apply filter on products. This code applies filter to display only 4 products that include Chai, Chang, Geitost and Ikura.        
    ' apply value filter to show only a few products
    Dim filter As C1.FlexPivot.C1FlexPivotFilter = fp.Fields("ProductName").Filter
    filter.ShowValues = "Chai,Chang,Geitost,Ikura".Split(","c)
  7. Add the following code to apply filter on OrderDate field. This code filters OrderDate from January 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2014.
    ' apply range filter to show only some dates
    filter = fp.Fields("OrderDate").Filter
    filter.Condition1.[Operator] = C1.FlexPivot.ConditionOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo
    filter.Condition1.Parameter = New DateTime(2014, 1, 1)
    filter.Condition2.[Operator] = C1.FlexPivot.ConditionOperator.LessThanOrEqualTo
    filter.Condition2.Parameter = New DateTime(2014, 12, 31)
    filter.AndConditions = True
  8. Run the application. The form appears with a custom view showing fields set in the code.
