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FlexPivotSlicer Overview
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The FlexPivot control offers filtering capability, where filters can be applied to the fields. But this conventional filtering feature does not provide any hint about the values that are shown or hidden in the filtered FlexPivotGrid or FlexPivotChart. The FlexPivotSlicer control makes it easy to comprehend what is being displayed in the FlexPivotGrid and FlexPivotChart controls in the current filtering state. Hence, it is an excellent visual tool for your dashboard to easily filter data in a Pivot.

The FlexPivotSlicer helps you to filter the pivot data by a single field. So, adding multiple FlexPivotSlicers to an application can enhance the slicing capability, empowering the user to filter the pivot data by multiple fields.

FlexPivot Slicer

The necessary assemblies in order to work with the FlexPivotSlicer control are as follows:

See Also