In This Topic
The C1FlexPivotSlicer control includes a smart tag to get access to its commonly used tasks and properties.
To access the FlexPivotSlicer Tasks, click the smart tag icon in the upper-right corner of the FlexPivotSlicer control. The smart tag panel appears similar to the following image.
The FlexPivotSlicer Tasks smart tag panel provides the following options:
- Choose Data Source
Select a data source from the Choose Data Source dropdown list. This allows you to add a data source to bind the slicer.
- Field name
The Field name opens a textbox to enter the field name of the data that you intend to filter. This feature helps you specify a field from the data source.
- Sort order
Choose a particular sorting order from the Sort order dropdown list (ascending, descending or unspecified).
- Multiple selection
Checking/unchecking on the Multiple selection box displays or hides the "Select All" option on the top.
- Show header
In the checked state, the Show header checkbox helps display the header portion of the slicer, which comprises the Caption, Multi- Select, Clear filter and Change sort direction buttons. In the unchecked state, this checkbox will remove the header.
- Checkboxes
In the checked state, the Checkboxes option adds a check box against every list item.
- MultiSelect
When you select MultiSelect checkbox, it displays a "Multi-Select" button in the header enabling the multiple or single item selection on runtime.
- Sort
When Sort checkbox is checked ON, it displays a "Change sort direction" button in the header enabling the change in sort order at runtime.
- Clear
When Clear checkbox is checked ON, it displays a "Clear filter" button in the header enabling the user to clear the applied filters at runtime.
- About C1FlexPivotSlicer
Clicking About C1FlexPivotSlicer displays a dialog box, which provides the version number of the product and other online resources.
Note: Rich design-time support is only included in .NET Framework currently.