3D Data / Grid and Irregular Grid Data
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Grid and Irregular Grid Data
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For grid and irregular grid data, the Chart3DDataSetGrid and Chart3DDataSetIrGrid objects define the following properties that control the data to be displayed in the chart:

The following statement assigns the Z-coordinate of the point in the first row and third column to Zval:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
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Zval = C1Chart3D1.ChartGroups(0).ChartData.SetGrid(2, 0)
' assigns the Z-coordinate of the point in the first row and third column to Zval.

To write code in C#

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Zval = C1Chart3D1.ChartGroups(0).ChartData.SetGrid(2, 0);
// assigns the Z-coordinate of the point in the first row and third column to Zval.
See Also