ComponentOne 3D Chart for WinForms
3D Data / Charting Data from a Mathematical Calculation
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    Charting Data from a Mathematical Calculation
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    Often it may not be convenient to load chart data from a file. For example, if the data is created from within the program using a mathematical calculation, it makes more sense to read it into the chart directly instead of saving it to a file and then reading it again. Not only can this method be quicker, it can also be quite easy to program.

    The following example creates a regular grid dataset using a precalculated two-dimensional array and then transfers it to the chart:

    To write code in Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
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    ' Calculate array
    Dim Rnd As Random = New Random()
    Dim m,n As Integer
    Dim z(20,30) As Double
    For m = 0 To 30
      For n = 0 To 20
       If m Mod 2 = 0 Then
         Z(n, m) = m * 5 * Rnd.NextDouble() + Math.Sqrt(2 * m * m * n)
         Z(n, m) = m * -5 * Rnd.NextDouble() + Math.Sqrt(2 * m * n)
       End If
      Next n
    Next m
    ' create dataset and put it to the chart
    Dim gridset As Chart3DDataSetGrid
    gridset=New Chart3DDataSetGrid( 0, 0, 1, 1, z)
    C1Chart3D1.ChartGroups(0).ChartData.Set = gridset

    To write code in C#

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    // Calculate array
    Random rnd = new Random();
    double[,] z = new  double[21, 31];
    for( int m = 0; m<31; m++)
      for( int n = 0; n<21; n++)
       z[n,m]= m * 5 * rnd.NextDouble() + Math.Sqrt(2 * m * m * n);
       z[n,m]= m * -5 * rnd.NextDouble() + Math.Sqrt(2 * m * n);
    // create dataset and put it to the chart
    Chart3DDataSetGrid gridset=new Chart3DDataSetGrid(0,0,1,1,z);
    C1Chart3D1.ChartGroups[0].ChartData.Set = gridset;
    See Also