Chart 3D for WinForms Samples

Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos which may make use of other development tools included with ComponentOne Studio.

Please refer to the pre-installed product samples through the following path: 

Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms

 The following table provides a description for each sample.

Visual Basic and C# Samples

The following samples are provided for the C1Chart3D control:

Sample Description
Chart4D Shows a 4 dimensional chart using Chart3D and color. This sample uses the C1Chart3D control.
ChartLoader Shows various load and save operations for both 2D and 3D charts using XML and allows editing using the Chart Properties dialog box, the Chart Wizard, or a basic Property Grid. After editing, the chart can be saved as XML to files or clipboard, or chart images can be generated and saved. This sample is also a useful utility for manipulating chart XML files at run time and storing the chart state.
CoordMapping3D Shows each available chart type and a variety of 3D chart options. This sample uses the C1Chart3D control.
Demo3D Shows various 3D charts and explores their properties. This sample uses the C1Chart3D control.
Function3D Shows a 3D surface chart based on various analytical functions. This sample uses the C1Chart3D control.
PrintIt2D Loads both 2D and 3D persisted from and generates images or prints them. This sample uses the C1Chart and C1Chart3D controls.
RuntimeLocalization This samples demonstrates the steps to provide runtime localizations for the charts.
Scatter3D Show a 3D scatter chart and demonstrates various effects. This sample uses the C1Chart3D control.