C1.Win.C1Chart3D.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.C1Chart3D Namespace
C1.Win.C1Chart3D Namespace
ClassRepresents interactive action.
ClassRepresents the collection of action objects.
ClassThe Border class is used to describe the border appearance of various elements of the chart, include the chart itself, the ChartArea, the Legend, the Header, the Footer and Labels.
ClassThe main chart control class.
ClassThe Chart3DArea class describes the ChartArea of the chart. This area includes plotcube, all axes and the charted data.
ClassThe Chart3DAttachMethodData Class is used by chart Label objects in conjunction with the Label object Chart3DLabel.AttachMethod property to identify how the Label is placed or attached to the chart. Each of the Chart3DAttachMethodData object properties are meaning only in the context of the AttachMethod value.
ClassRepresents one axis of the chart.
ClassThe collection of three Chart3DAxis objects named “X”, “Y” and “Z”.
ClassThe Bar class and its properties are only used for bar charts. It is returned by the Bar property of a ChartGroup.
ClassStores colors.
ClassThe Chart3DContour class and its properties are used for contour and zone charts. It is returned by the Contour property of a ChartGroup.
ClassRepresents level of contour or zone chart.
ClassStores Chart3DContourLevel objects.
ClassRepresents appearance of one level of contour and zone charts.
ClassDescribes the set of Chart3DContourStyle objects.
ClassStores Chart3DContourStyle objects.
ClassRepresents chart data.
ClassAbstract base class for all types of data sets (regular grid, irregular grid and point).
ClassRepresents regular grid data layout.
ClassRepresents irregular grid data layout.
ClassRepresents point data layout.
ClassThe Chart3DElevation class and its properties are used for control over the appearance of different chart types. It is returned by the Elevation property of a ChartGroup.
ClassThe Chart3DGridLines class and its properties are used for control appearance of grid.
ClassChart3DGroup contains chart data and classes that control chart appearance.
ClassChart3DGroups class contains collection of ChartGroup, data labels, chart and contour styles.
ClassThe ChartGroupsCollection contains one ChartGroup object.
ClassThe class for Chart3DGroupsCollectionSerializer serialization.
ClassA Chart3DLabel object is an independent text annotation that can be attached to the chart.
ClassThe Chart3DLabels contains all chart labels.
ClassRepresents collection of Chart3DLabels.
ClassRepresents the legend of the chart.
ClassRepresents one series of data for point data layout (Chart3DDataSetPoint class).
ClassRepresents collection of point series.
ClassThe Chart3DSurfce class and its properties are only used for surface charts. It is returned by the Surface property of a ChartGroup.
ClassThe Chart3DView defines the three-dimensional features of a chart. It is returned by the View property of a Chart3DArea.
ClassRepresents the state of Chart3DView object. This object, which has no public properties or methods, is returned by a call to the Save method.
ClassContains all properties that control the automated interactive features of the chart, including mouse driven rotation, scaling, translating and zooming.
ClassRepresents chart rotation event data.
ClassProvides the properties set that describes the rounding of border corners.
ClassThe Style class is used to describe the appearance of various elements of the chart, include the chart itself, the ChartArea, the Legend, the Header, the Footer and Labels. Typically, an object’s style and one or more of its properties are inherited the object’s parent.
ClassThe Title class is used to describe the appearance of the Header and the Footer.
StructurePresents the point in 3D space.
DelegateRepresents a method that handle the chart rotation event.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Style.HorizontalAlignment property in the Style class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Style.ImageAlignment property in the Style class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Style.VerticalAlignment property in the Style class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to determine which axes edges of the plot cube will have annotations.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DAxis.AnnoMethod property in the Chart3DAxis class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DLabel.AttachMethod property in the Chart3DLabel class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to specify a specific Axis where appropriate.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DBar.ColumnFormat and Chart3DBar.RowFormat property in the Chart3DBar class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Border.BorderStyle property in the Border class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DGroup.ChartType property in the Chart3DGroup class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DContourStyles.ColorSet property in the Chart3DContourStyles class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Compass property of the Title and Chart3DLegend classes.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DContour.ContourMethod property in the Chart3DContour class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to specify data format when loading or saving data.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DData.Layout property in the Chart3DData class.

Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DAxis.AnnoFormat property in the Chart3DAxis class.

See .Net date and time format strings and standard numeric format strings for more information.

EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Style.GradientStyle property in the Style class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Style.HatchStyle property in the Style class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DLabel.LabelCompass property in the Chart3DLabel class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DLabel.View3D property in the |Chart3DLabel class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DLegend.Orientation in the Chart3DLegend class.
EnumerationThe appearance of the legend separator.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DLegend.Type property in the Chart3DLegend class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DLineStyle.Pattern property in the Chart3DLineStyle class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DView.PreviewMethod property in the Chart3DView class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the scaling property in the C1Chart3D.PrintChart method.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Style.Rotation property in the Style class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DSymbolStyle.Shape property in the Chart3DSymbolStyle class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DView.TextRotation property in the Chart3DView class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DView.View3D property in the Chart3DView class.
EnumerationUse the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DContour.ZoneMethod property in the Chart3DContour class.
See Also