C1.Win.C1Chart3D.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.C1Chart3D Namespace / FormatEnum Enumeration

FormatEnum Enumeration

Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Chart3DAxis.AnnoFormat property in the Chart3DAxis class.

See .Net date and time format strings and standard numeric format strings for more information.

Public Enum FormatEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
DateFullA full date format.
DateFullShortTimeA full format for both short date and time.
DateGeneralA general date format.
DateGeneralShortTimeA general date format with short time format.
DateLongA long date format.
DateLongTimeA long time format.
DateManualUsed in conjunction with the Axis AnnoFormatString property to specify a .Net custom date/datetime format. (See custom date and time format strings in the .Net documentation).
DateMonthA month format.
DateRFC1123A date format based on the IETF RFC 1123 specification.
DateShortA short date format.
DateShortTimeA short time format.
DateSortableA sortable date format.
DateUniversalA universal date format.
DateUniversalSortableA universally sortable date format.
DateYearA year format.
NumericCurrencyA currency amount format.
NumericExponentialA scientific or exponential format in the form "-d.ddd…E+ddd" or "-d.ddd…e+ddd".
NumericGeneralA general number format. Formatted into the most compact decimal form using fixed or scientific notation.
NumericHexadecimalA hexadecimal format.
NumericManualUsed in conjunction with the Axis AnnoFormatString property to specify a .Net custom numeric format. (See custom numeric format strings in the .Net documentation).
NumericPercentageA percentage amount format.
NumericRoundtripA format that guarantees that a numeric value after being converted will be returned as the same numeric value.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also