C1.Win.C1Chart3D.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.C1Chart3D Namespace / BorderStyleEnum Enumeration

BorderStyleEnum Enumeration
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Border.BorderStyle property in the Border class.
Public Enum BorderStyleEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
DashedDashed line border.
DoubleDouble solid line border.
EmptyEmpty border.
FilletCompound border (raised+inset).
GrooveCompound border (inset+raised).
InsetInset 3D border, drawn using system colors.
InsetBevelInset 3D border with bevel.
NoneNo border.
NotSetBorder style is not set and is inherited from C1Chart class.
OpaqueSolid line border rendered without antialiasing. Opaque borders ignore rounding and are most useful for antialiased charts to be rendered as transparent images.
RaisedRaised 3D border, drawn using system colors.
RaisedBevelRaised 3D border with bevel.
SolidSolid line border.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also