C1.Win.C1Chart3D.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.C1Chart3D Namespace / GradientStyleEnum Enumeration

GradientStyleEnum Enumeration
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Style.GradientStyle property in the Style class.
Public Enum GradientStyleEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
DiagonalFrom left-bottom (BackColor) to right-top (BackColor2).
DiagonalBackFrom left-top (BackColor) to right-bottom (BackColor2).
DiagonalBackCenterFrom center (BackColor) to left-top and right-bottom (BackColor2).
DiagonalCenterFrom center (BackColor) to left-bottom and right-top (BackColor2).
FromCenterFrom center (BackColor) to corners (BackColor2).
HorizontalFrom left (BackColor) to right (BackColor2).
HorizontalCenterFrom center (BackColor) to left and right (BackColor2).
NoneNo gradient filling.
RadialFrom center (BackColor) to corners (BackColor2) in radial direction.
VerticalFrom top (BackColor) to bottom (BackColor2).
VerticalCenterFrom center (BackColor) to top and bottom (BackColor2).
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also