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Row Class

Row Class

Represents a row in the grid.

Type parameters

  • T




  • new Row(dataItem?: any): Row
  • Initializes a new instance of the Row class.


    • Optional dataItem: any

      The data item that this row is bound to.

    Returns Row



align: string | null

Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of cells in the column or row.

The default value for this property is null, which causes the grid to select the alignment automatically based on the column's dataType (numbers are right-aligned, Boolean values are centered, and other types are left-aligned).

If you want to override the default alignment, set this property to 'left', 'right', 'center', or 'justify'.


allowDragging: boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can move the column or row to a new position with the mouse.

The default value for this property is true.


allowMerging: boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether cells in the column or row can be merged.

The default value for this property is false.


allowResizing: boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can resize the column or row with the mouse.

The default value for this property is true.


binding: string | null

Gets or sets the name of the property the column is bound to.

The default value for this property is null, which means the column is not bound to any data fields.

This property is set automatically for auto-generated columns (see FlexGrid.autoGenerateColumns).


collectionView: ICollectionView<T>

Gets the ICollectionView bound to this column or row.


cssClass: string | null

Gets or sets a CSS class name to use when rendering data (non-header) cells in the column or row.

The default value for this property is null.


cssClassAll: string | null

Gets or sets a CSS class name to use when rendering all cells (data and headers) in the column or row.

This property is also supported on the parent column group header.

The default value for this property is null.


dataIndex: number

Gets the index of this row's data item within the current data view.

This may be different from the row's index property if there are group rows (which do not correspond to any data items) or in classes that bind multiple rows to individual data items.


dataItem: any

Gets or sets the item in the data collection that the item is bound to.

The grid sets this property automatically when binding to data sources defined by the FlexGrid.itemsSource property.

The dataItem property of group header rows is automatically set to a wijmo.CollectionViewGroup object that contains information about the group.


dataMap: DataMap | null

Gets or sets the DataMap used to convert raw values into display values for the column or row.

By default, data-mapped cells have drop-down lists that can be used for quick editing. You can change the type of editor by setting the column's dataMapEditor property.

The default value for this property is null.


dataMapEditor: DataMapEditor

Gets or sets a value that indicates the type of editor to use when editing data-mapped cells in this column or row.

The default value for this property is DataMapEditor.DropDownList, which adds drop-down buttons to cells to columns that have a dataMap and are not read-only.

Clicking on the drop-down buttons causes the grid to show a list where users can select the value for the cell.

The DataMapEditor.RadioButtons setting causes the grid to show radio buttons for each option. The buttons can be clicked with the mouse or keyboard (by pressing each option's initial letter or the space key to cycle through the options.)

Note that drop-down lists are available only if the wijmo.input.ListBox class is loaded/imported by the application.


dataType: DataType | null

Gets or sets the type of value stored in the column or row.

Values are coerced into the proper type when editing the grid.

The default value for this property is null, which causes the grid not to perform any data type coercion.

This property is set automatically for auto-generated columns (see FlexGrid.autoGenerateColumns).


dropDownCssClass: string | null

Gets or sets a CSS class name to add to drop-downs in this column or row.

The drop-down buttons are shown only if the column has a dataMap set and is editable. Clicking on the drop-down buttons causes the grid to show a list where users can select the value for the cell.

Note that drop-down lists are available only if the wijmo.input.ListBox class is loaded/imported by the application.

The default value for this property is null.


format: string | null

Gets or sets the format string used to convert raw values into display values for the column or row (see Globalize).

The default value for this property is null, which causes the grid to use default formats that depend on the data type.


grid: FlexGrid

Gets the FlexGrid that owns this column or row.


height: number | null

Gets or sets the height of the row.

You can use the renderHeight property to retrieve the actual height of the row, taking into account visibility, min/max limits, and default height settings.

The default value for this property is null, which causes the grid to use the default row height defined by the FlexGrid.rows collection.


index: number

Gets the index of the column or row in the parent collection.


inputType: string | null

Gets or sets the "type" attribute of the HTML input element used to edit values in this column or row.

The default value for this property is null, which causes the grid to use the type "tel" for numeric columns, and "text" for all other non-boolean column types.

The "tel" input type causes mobile devices to show a numeric keyboard that includes a negative sign and a decimal separator.

Use this property to change the default setting if the default does not work well for the current culture, device, or application. In these cases, try setting the property to "number" or simply "text."


isContentHtml: boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether cells in this column or row contain HTML content rather than plain text.

This property only applies to regular cells. Row and column header cells contain plain text by default. If you want to display HTML in column or row headers, you must use the FlexGrid.formatItem event and set the cell's innerHTML content in code.

Unless the column's isReadOnly property is set to true, cells that show HTML can be edited. By default, the editor will show HTML markup and users will be able to change it. If the column has a dataMap, however, the drop-down list will show formatted items and the editor will show plain text instead of HTML markup.

The default value for this property is false.


isReadOnly: boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether cells in the column or row can be edited.

The default value for this property is false.


isRequired: boolean | null

Gets or sets a value that determines whether values in this column or row are required.

The default value for this property is to null, which means dates, booleans, and numeric values are required, but non-masked string columns may contain empty strings.

When set to true, values are required and empty strings are not allowed.

When set to false, null values and empty strings are allowed.


isSelected: boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column or row is selected.

The default value for this property is false.


isVisible: boolean

Gets a value that indicates whether the column or row is visible and not collapsed.

This property is read-only. To change the visibility of a column or row, use the visible property instead.


mask: string | null

Gets or sets a mask to use while editing values in this column or row.

The format used to define the mask is the same used by the wijmo.input.InputMask control.

If specified, the mask must be compatible with the value of the format property. For example, the mask '99/99/9999' can be used for entering dates formatted as 'MM/dd/yyyy'.

The default value for this property is null, which means any character is accepted at any position.


maxLength: number | null

Gets or sets the maximum number of characters that the can be entered into cells in this column or row.

The default value for this property is null, which allows entries with any number of characters.


multiLine: boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the content of cells in this column or row should wrap at new line characters (\n).

The default value for this property is false.


pos: number

Gets the position of the column or row in pixels.


renderHeight: number

Gets the render height of the row.

The value returned takes into account the row's visibility, default size, and min and max sizes.


renderSize: number

Gets the render size of the column or row.

This property accounts for visibility, default size, and min and max sizes.


size: number | null

Gets or sets the size of the column or row.

Setting this property to null or negative values causes the element to use the parent collection's default size.


sortMemberPath: string | null

Gets or sets the name of the property to use when sorting this column.

Use this property in cases where you want the sorting to be performed based on values other than the ones specified by the binding property.

The default value for this property is null, which causes the grid to use the value of the binding property to sort the column.


visible: boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the column or row is visible.

The default value for this property is true.


visibleIndex: number

Gets the index of the column or row in the parent collection ignoring invisible elements (isVisible).


wordWrap: boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the content of cells in this column or row should wrap to fit the available column width.

The default value for this property is false.




  • onPropertyChanged(): void



gridChanged: Event<RowCol<any>, EventArgs>

Occurs when the value of the grid property changes.