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PaintSpecialSheetTab Method

PaintSpecialSheetTab(Graphics, int, int, int, int, bool, TabStripPlacement, bool, bool, Font, Font)

Paints the special insert sheet tab.

void PaintSpecialSheetTab(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool mouseOver, TabStripPlacement placementbStrip, bool isLeftToRight, bool enabled, Font font, Font activeFont)
Sub PaintSpecialSheetTab(g As Graphics, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, mouseOver As Boolean, placementbStrip As TabStripPlacement, isLeftToRight As Boolean, enabled As Boolean, font As Font, activeFont As Font)
Type Name Description
Graphics g

Graphics device interface for painting the sheet tab

int x


int y


int width

Width, in pixels

int height

Height, in pixels

bool mouseOver

Whether mouse is over the sheet tab

TabStripPlacement placementbStrip

Location of the tab strip

bool isLeftToRight

Whether the sheet is oriented left-to-right

bool enabled

Whether the sheet is enabled

Font font

Font for sheet tab when not selected

Font activeFont

Font for sheet tab when selected