This sample shows how to add a custom sidebar to the viewer with a custom UI that provides control over which users can fill a form, and for which users the form fields will be locked.
window.onload = function () {
//DsPdfViewer.LicenseKey = "***key***";
var viewer;
var React;
var ReactDOM;
var initialAccessTable = null;
function applyAccess(selectedUserName, access) {
console.log('Apply access for ' + selectedUserName + ': ' + access + ', current user name:' + viewer.currentUserName);
if (selectedUserName === viewer.currentUserName) {
viewer.findAnnotation(20, // 20 - AnnotationTypeCode.WIDGET
findField: 'annotationType',
pageNumberConstraint: 1,
findAll: true
}).then(function (annotationsDataArr) {
viewer.updateAnnotations(0, (data) {
if (access === 'LockAll') {
data.annotation.locked = true;
} else if (access === 'LockFirstName' && data.annotation.fieldName === "FirstName") {
data.annotation.locked = true;
} else if (access === 'LockLastName' && data.annotation.fieldName === "LastName") {
data.annotation.locked = true;
} else {
data.annotation.locked = false;
return data.annotation;
function getInitialAccessTable(users) {
if (!initialAccessTable) {
initialAccessTable = {};
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
initialAccessTable[users[i]] = 'UnlockAll';
return initialAccessTable;
function FieldsLockerPanel(props) {
var viewer = props.viewer;
var availableUsers = ['James', 'Jame', 'Lisa', 'John'];
var stateArr0 = React.useState(viewer.currentUserName || 'Anonymous'),
currentUserName = stateArr0[0],
setCurrentUserName = stateArr0[1];
if (availableUsers.indexOf(currentUserName) === -1) {
availableUsers.splice(0, 0, currentUserName);
var stateArr1 = React.useState(availableUsers[0] || ''),
selectedUserName = stateArr1[0],
setSelectedUserName = stateArr1[1];
var stateArr2 = React.useState(getInitialAccessTable(availableUsers));
var accessTable = stateArr2[0],
setAccessTable = stateArr2[1];
var userOpts = [];
for (var i = 0; i < availableUsers.length; i++) {
var curUserName = availableUsers[i];
userOpts.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('option', {
selected: !!(selectedUserName === curUserName),
value: curUserName
}, curUserName));
var currentAccess = accessTable[selectedUserName];
console.log("render, currentAccess:" + currentAccess + ", for selectedUserName:" + selectedUserName);
return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('div', {
style: {
margin: '30px 30px 30px 30px'
class: 'fields-locker-panel-outer'
}, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('p', {
class: 'gc-heading__text'
}, 'Current user:'), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('p', null, /*#__PURE__*/
React.createElement('input', {
class: 'current-user-input gc-input',
value: currentUserName,
onChange: function (e) {
var newCurrentUserName = || "";
//if (newCurrentUserName)
viewer.currentUserName = newCurrentUserName;
//if (newCurrentUserName)
applyAccess(newCurrentUserName, accessTable[newCurrentUserName] || "UnlockAll");
}, null)),
/*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('p', {
class: 'gc-heading__text'
}, 'Select user:'), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('p', null, /*#__PURE__*/
React.createElement('select', {
style: {
width: '100%'
class: 'gc-combo select-user-combo',
onChange: function (e) {
var newUserName =;
console.log("Set selected user name: " + newUserName);
}, userOpts), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('label', {
style: {
margin: '10px 10px 10px 10px'
}, 'Access: ', currentAccess)), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('p', {
class: 'gc-heading__text'
}, 'Choose access type:'), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('p', null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('select', {
style: {
width: '100%'
value: currentAccess,
class: 'gc-combo access-combo',
onChange: function (e) {
var newAccessTable = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(accessTable));
newAccessTable[selectedUserName] =;
initialAccessTable = newAccessTable;
}, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('option', {
selected: currentAccess === 'UnlockAll',
value: 'UnlockAll'
}, 'Unlock all fields'),
/*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('option', {
selected: currentAccess === 'LockFirstName',
value: 'LockFirstName'
}, 'Lock FirstName'),
/*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('option', {
selected: currentAccess === 'LockLastName',
value: 'LockLastName'
}, 'Lock LastName'),
/*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('option', {
selected: currentAccess === 'LockAll',
value: 'LockAll'
}, 'Lock all fields')
)), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('p', null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('button', {
style: {
width: '100%',
textAlign: 'center'
class: 'gc-btn',
onClick: function (e) {
viewer.layoutMode = 2;
}, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement('span', {
class: 'gc-btn__text'
}, 'Open Form Editor'))));
function createFieldsLockerPanel(viewer) {
// Create react element:
return React.createElement(FieldsLockerPanel, { viewer: viewer });
function createSvgIconElement() {
return React.createElement('svg', { xmlns: '', version: '1.1', width: '24', height: '24', viewBox: '0 0 24 24', fill: '#ffffff' }, React.createElement('path', { d: 'M10 13.32q-0.352-0.273-3.184-2.48t-4.316-3.34l7.5-5.82 7.5 5.82q-1.484 1.133-4.297 3.32t-3.203 2.5zM10 15.469l6.133-4.805 1.367 1.055-7.5 5.82-7.5-5.82 1.367-1.055z' }));
viewer = new DsPdfViewer("#viewer", {
workerSrc: "/document-solutions/javascript-pdf-viewer/demos/product-bundles/build/dspdfviewer.worker.js",
supportApi: getSupportApiSettings(),
language: "en"
React = viewer.getType('React');
ReactDOM = viewer.getType('ReactDOM');
accessPanelHandle = viewer.createPanel(createFieldsLockerPanel(viewer), null, 'AccessLevel',
icon: { type: 'svg', content: createSvgIconElement() },
label: 'Access level', description: 'Access level administration',
visible: false, enabled: false
// Add 'AccessLevel' panel to panels layout:
viewer.layoutPanels(['AccessLevel', 'FormEditor']);
viewer.onAfterOpen.register(() => {
// Enable 'AccessLevel' panel on document open:
viewer.updatePanel(accessPanelHandle, { visible: true, enabled: true });
// Open and pin panel:;;