DsPdfViewer annotation editor to add only drawing annotations with customization

We enable the annotation editor panel in DsPdfViewer, and specify which annotation tools are shown. Specifically, only drawing annotations are available. In this sample, we change default color and width of drawing annotations. To save your changes, click the 'save' button in the annotation editor or in the main viewer toolbar. This sends the PDF and the list of changes to the server where DsPdf applies the edits and sends back the modified PDF. You can then open it in Acrobat or save locally.

window.onload = function(){ var options = { workerSrc: "/document-solutions/javascript-pdf-viewer/demos/product-bundles/build/dspdfviewer.worker.js", supportApi: getSupportApiSettings() }; // Set editor defaults: options.editorDefaults = { inkAnnotation: { borderStyle: { width: 3, style: 1 }, color: '#ff9800' }, squareAnnotation: { borderStyle: { width: 5, style: 2, dashArray: [8, 4] }, color: '#000000', interiorColor: '#f44336' }, circleAnnotation: { borderStyle: { width: 2, style: 1 }, color: '#2196f3', interiorColor: '#fff9c8' }, lineAnnotation: { borderStyle: { width: 2, style: 1 }, color: '#4caf50', interiorColor: '#2196f3', lineStart: 'Circle', lineEnd: 'Circle' }, polyLineAnnotation: { borderStyle: { width: 2, style: 1 }, color: '#000000', interiorColor: '#f44336', lineStart: 'Diamond', lineEnd: 'ClosedArrow' }, polygonAnnotation: { borderStyle: { width: 5, style: 1 }, color: '#ff0000', interiorColor: '#faa19b' }, }; const viewer = new DsPdfViewer("#viewer", options); viewer.addDefaultPanels(); viewer.addAnnotationEditorPanel(); viewer.layoutMode = 1; // Configure toolbar buttons: viewer.toolbarLayout.viewer = { default: ['open', 'save', '$navigation', '$split', 'text-selection', 'pan', '$zoom', '$fullscreen', 'download', 'print', 'rotate', 'view-mode', 'hide-annotations', 'doc-properties', 'about'], mobile: ['open', 'save', '$navigation', '$split', 'text-selection', 'pan', '$zoom', '$fullscreen', 'download', 'print', 'rotate', 'view-mode', 'hide-annotations', 'doc-properties', 'about'], fullscreen: ['$fullscreen', 'open', 'save', '$navigation', '$split', 'text-selection', 'pan', '$zoom', '$fullscreen', 'download', 'print', 'rotate', 'view-mode', 'hide-annotations', 'doc-properties', 'about'] }; viewer.toolbarLayout.annotationEditor = { default: ['save', '$split', 'edit-select', '$split', 'edit-ink', 'edit-square', 'edit-circle', 'edit-line', 'edit-polyline', 'edit-polygon', '$split', 'edit-erase', '$split', 'edit-undo', 'edit-redo'], mobile: ['save', '$split', 'edit-select', '$split', 'edit-ink', 'edit-square', 'edit-circle', 'edit-line', 'edit-polyline', 'edit-polygon', '$split', 'edit-erase', '$split', 'edit-undo', 'edit-redo'], fullscreen: ['$fullscreen', 'save', '$split', 'edit-select', '$split', 'edit-ink', 'edit-square', 'edit-circle', 'edit-line', 'edit-polyline', 'edit-polygon', '$split', 'edit-erase', '$split', 'edit-undo', 'edit-redo'] }; viewer.applyToolbarLayout(); viewer.applyOptions(); viewer.open("/document-solutions/javascript-pdf-viewer/demos/product-bundles/assets/pdf/viewer-editor-defaults.pdf"); }
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#viewer { height: 100%; }