This example showcases the Find and Replace functionality, allowing the user to replace specific terms or phrases in a document. The dialog is pre-filled with a search term and replacement text, enabling quick interaction and demonstration of the feature.
// Viewer instance: Represents the PDF viewer instance used for document rendering and interaction.
var viewer;
// Execute code when the window has fully loaded:
window.onload = async function () {
// Initialize the PDF viewer with configuration options
// Uncomment and set your license key if required
// DsPdfViewer.LicenseKey = "***key***";
viewer = new DsPdfViewer('#viewer', { restoreViewStateOnLoad: false, supportApi: getSupportApiSettings() });
// Configure toolbar buttons for different layouts (default, mobile, fullscreen)
viewer.toolbarLayout.viewer = {
default: ["save", "$navigation", "$split", "$zoom", "edit-undo", "edit-redo", "$split", 'doc-title', "about"],
mobile: ["save", "$navigation", "$split", "$zoom", "edit-undo", "edit-redo", "$split", 'doc-title', "about"],
fullscreen: ["$fullscreen", "save", "$navigation", "$split", "$zoom", "edit-undo", "edit-redo", "$split", 'doc-title', "about"]
// Apply the toolbar layout configuration
// Path to the PDF document to be opened
var pdf = "/document-solutions/javascript-pdf-viewer/demos/product-bundles/assets/pdf/find-and-replace.pdf";
// Open the document and set the zoom mode to 1 (Fit Width)
viewer.zoom = { mode: 1 };
// Configure options for text search
var findOptions = {
Text: 'wetlands', // Text to search for
MatchCase: false, // Case insensitive search
WholeWord: true // Match whole words only
// Use the floating search bar to perform a find-and-replace operation
viewer.plugin.floatingSearchBar.then(f => {
f.setOptions(findOptions); // Set search options; // Display the floating search bar
f.setState({ // Configure replace options
replaceWith: "WETLANDS",
replaceMode: true
f.onEnterKey(); // Trigger the find action
* Event listener for the "add-replace-highlights" event.
* Deduplicates replace highlights for all pages.
viewer.eventBus.on("add-replace-highlights", function (args) {
const allReplaceHighlights = viewer.highlightManager.replaceHighlights;
// Iterate through each page and deduplicate highlights
for (const pageIndex in allReplaceHighlights) {
const replaceHighlights = allReplaceHighlights[pageIndex];
// Notify the viewer about state changes after deduplication
* Removes duplicate highlights from the given array.
* Duplicates are determined by comparing `rects`, an array of arrays.
* Each inner array is rounded before comparison to ensure numerical consistency.
* @param {Array} replaceHighlights - Array of highlights to deduplicate.
function deduplicateReplaceHighlights(replaceHighlights) {
for (let i = replaceHighlights.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const h = replaceHighlights[i];
for (let j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
const other = replaceHighlights[j];
// Check if `rects` arrays are identical (considering rounding and nested arrays)
if (
h.rects.length === other.rects.length &&
h.rects.every((rect, rectIndex) =>
rect.every((value, index) => Math.round(value) === Math.round(other.rects[rectIndex][index]))
) {
// Remove duplicate highlight
replaceHighlights.splice(i, 1);