Custom Highlights

This example shows how to apply highlights with custom styles to specific text portions on a page. It includes setting fill color, border color, border width, and using a custom paint handler to enhance the appearance of the highlights. The highlights are added in JS code and are not persisted in the PDF.

window.onload = function () { //DsPdfViewer.LicenseKey = "***key***"; var viewer = new DsPdfViewer('#viewer', { restoreViewStateOnLoad: false }); viewer.addDefaultPanels(); var pdf = "/document-solutions/javascript-pdf-viewer/demos/product-bundles/assets/pdf/wetlands.pdf"; function () { // Highlight text segments on a specific page: // Highlight the word "Introduction" in the title at the start of the document: await viewer.highlightTextSegment(0, 0, 12, { color: 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.3)', // Semi-transparent yellow fill borderColor: 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.6)', // Semi-transparent orange border borderWidth: 1 }); // Highlight the word "Wetlands" in the title with custom colors and no border: await viewer.highlightTextSegment(0, 30, 38, { color: 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3)', // Semi-transparent green fill borderWidth: 0 // No border }); // Access the highlight manager to create custom highlights: const highlightManager = viewer.highlightManager; // Define custom highlights using specific rectangle coordinates on a PDF page const customHighlights = { // Page reference notes: // - PDF page dimensions are 612pt wide and 792pt tall. // - The origin (0, 0) is at the bottom-left corner of the page. // - X-coordinates increase to the right. // - Y-coordinates increase upwards. // The array 'rects' specifies areas to highlight on the page using rectangles. // Rectangles can be defined in two formats: // 1. Using two points to represent the bottom-left and top-right corners: [x1, y1, x2, y2]. // 2. Using the position (x, y) of the bottom-left corner and specifying width (w) and height (h): {x, y, w, h}. rects: [ [226, 682, 318, 694], // Rectangle for the text "The Importance". // Defined using corner coordinates: [bottom-left x, bottom-left y, top-right x, top-right y]. // Width is the difference between x2 and x1, height is the difference between y2 and y1. { x: 242, y: 581, w: 137, h: 18 }, // Rectangle for the text "two point three (2.3) million". // Defined using bottom-left corner position (x, y) and dimensions (w, h). // 'x' is 242 points from the left edge, 'y' is 599 points above the bottom edge. // Width 'w' extends 137 points to the right, height 'h' extends 18 points upwards. { x: 220, y: 563, w: 100, h: 16 } // Rectangle for the text "twelve percent (12%)". // Similarly defined with bottom-left corner (x, y) at 220 points from the left and 579 points up from the bottom. // Extends 100 points to the right and 16 points up. ], // Highlight styling options: color: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)', // Fill color for highlights: semi-transparent red. // The RGBA format (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) specifies color and transparency, with alpha (0.2) controlling the transparency level. borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.6)', // Border color for highlights: semi-transparent blue. // Also uses RGBA format with alpha (0.6) for semi-transparency. borderWidth: 1 // Border thickness: 1pt. // Specifies a thin border around each highlighted rectangle. }; // Add custom highlights to page 1: highlightManager.addHighlight(0, customHighlights); // Highlighting important terms across multiple pages: // Highlight "wildlife species" on page 1: await viewer.highlightTextSegment(0, 300, 307, { color: 'rgba(173, 216, 230, 0.4)', // Light blue fill borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 139, 0.7)', // Dark blue border borderWidth: 2 }); // Highlight "oxygen" on page 2 viewer.highlightTextSegment(1, 23, 29, { color: 'rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.4)', // Tomato fill borderColor: 'rgba(139, 0, 0, 0.7)', // Dark red border borderWidth: 2 }); // Adding a custom highlight with a custom paint handler (optional): // Notes on coordinate system and page dimensions: // - PDF page dimensions: width = 612pt, height = 792pt. // - The origin (0, 0) is located at the bottom-left corner of the page. const customHighlight = { pageIndex: 0, // Specifies the page number where the highlight should be applied (0-based index). rects: [{ x: 500, y: 780, w: 100, h: 100 }], // Defines a rectangle at the top-right corner of the page. // Coordinates are based on PDF's coordinate system: // - 'x' is 500pt from the left edge. // - 'y' is 780pt up from the bottom edge. // - 'w' (width) extends 100pt to the right. // - 'h' (height) extends 100pt upwards. // The 'paintHandler' function provides custom rendering logic for highlights. paintHandler: (ctx, highlight) => { // Note: The PDF coordinate system starts with the origin at the bottom-left corner. // However, canvas drawing operations typically use a coordinate system with the origin at the top-left corner. // Therefore, coordinates must be converted when drawing on a canvas: // - You need to flip the Y-axis and adjust for any zoom applied to the PDF page. // The 'applyViewPortScale' method handles this conversion automatically, translating // the PDF coordinates into the canvas coordinate space based on the current zoom level of the page. const scaledRect = viewer.applyViewPortScale(highlight.rects[0], highlight.pageIndex); // Convert PDF coordinates to canvas coordinates. const { x, y, w, h } = scaledRect; // Destructure the converted coordinates for use in canvas drawing. // Set up styles ctx.strokeStyle = highlight.borderColor || 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.8)'; // Orange border ctx.lineWidth = highlight.borderWidth || 3; ctx.fillStyle = highlight.color || 'rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.5)'; // Gold fill // Draw an ellipse (for signature-like shape): ctx.beginPath(); ctx.ellipse(x + w / 2, y + h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); // Draw a star inside the ellipse: const centerX = x + w / 2; const centerY = y + h / 2; const outerRadius = w / 4; const innerRadius = outerRadius / 2; const points = 5; ctx.beginPath(); for (let i = 0; i < points; i++) { const angle = (Math.PI / points) * i * 2; const xOuter = centerX + Math.cos(angle) * outerRadius; const yOuter = centerY - Math.sin(angle) * outerRadius; ctx.lineTo(xOuter, yOuter); const xInner = centerX + Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / points) * innerRadius; const yInner = centerY - Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / points) * innerRadius; ctx.lineTo(xInner, yInner); } ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 69, 0, 0.7)'; // Red-Orange for the star ctx.fill(); ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.9)'; // Tomato color for the star border ctx.stroke(); } }; // Add the custom highlight with the custom paint handler to the first page: highlightManager.addHighlight(customHighlight.pageIndex, customHighlight); // Manually repaint the text layer to apply custom highlights (if not already done) //highlightManager.repaintTextLayer(); // Clear highlights on the first page //viewer.clearHighlightedSegments([0]); }); }
window.onload = function () { //DsPdfViewer.LicenseKey = "***key***"; var viewer = new DsPdfViewer('#viewer', { restoreViewStateOnLoad: false }); viewer.addDefaultPanels(); var pdf = "/document-solutions/javascript-pdf-viewer/demos/product-bundles/assets/pdf/wetlands.pdf"; function () { // Highlight text segments on a specific page: // Highlight the word "Introduction" in the title at the start of the document: await viewer.highlightTextSegment(0, 0, 12, { color: 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.3)', // Semi-transparent yellow fill borderColor: 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.6)', // Semi-transparent orange border borderWidth: 1 }); // Highlight the word "Wetlands" in the title with custom colors and no border: await viewer.highlightTextSegment(0, 30, 38, { color: 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3)', // Semi-transparent green fill borderWidth: 0 // No border }); // Access the highlight manager to create custom highlights: const highlightManager = viewer.highlightManager; // Define custom highlights using specific rectangle coordinates on a PDF page const customHighlights = { // Page reference notes: // - PDF page dimensions are 612pt wide and 792pt tall. // - The origin (0, 0) is at the bottom-left corner of the page. // - X-coordinates increase to the right. // - Y-coordinates increase upwards. // The array 'rects' specifies areas to highlight on the page using rectangles. // Rectangles can be defined in two formats: // 1. Using two points to represent the bottom-left and top-right corners: [x1, y1, x2, y2]. // 2. Using the position (x, y) of the bottom-left corner and specifying width (w) and height (h): {x, y, w, h}. rects: [ [226, 682, 318, 694], // Rectangle for the text "The Importance". // Defined using corner coordinates: [bottom-left x, bottom-left y, top-right x, top-right y]. // Width is the difference between x2 and x1, height is the difference between y2 and y1. { x: 242, y: 581, w: 137, h: 18 }, // Rectangle for the text "two point three (2.3) million". // Defined using bottom-left corner position (x, y) and dimensions (w, h). // 'x' is 242 points from the left edge, 'y' is 599 points above the bottom edge. // Width 'w' extends 137 points to the right, height 'h' extends 18 points upwards. { x: 220, y: 563, w: 100, h: 16 } // Rectangle for the text "twelve percent (12%)". // Similarly defined with bottom-left corner (x, y) at 220 points from the left and 579 points up from the bottom. // Extends 100 points to the right and 16 points up. ], // Highlight styling options: color: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)', // Fill color for highlights: semi-transparent red. // The RGBA format (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) specifies color and transparency, with alpha (0.2) controlling the transparency level. borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.6)', // Border color for highlights: semi-transparent blue. // Also uses RGBA format with alpha (0.6) for semi-transparency. borderWidth: 1 // Border thickness: 1pt. // Specifies a thin border around each highlighted rectangle. }; // Add custom highlights to page 1: highlightManager.addHighlight(0, customHighlights); // Highlighting important terms across multiple pages: // Highlight "wildlife species" on page 1: await viewer.highlightTextSegment(0, 300, 307, { color: 'rgba(173, 216, 230, 0.4)', // Light blue fill borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 139, 0.7)', // Dark blue border borderWidth: 2 }); // Highlight "oxygen" on page 2 viewer.highlightTextSegment(1, 23, 29, { color: 'rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.4)', // Tomato fill borderColor: 'rgba(139, 0, 0, 0.7)', // Dark red border borderWidth: 2 }); // Adding a custom highlight with a custom paint handler (optional): // Notes on coordinate system and page dimensions: // - PDF page dimensions: width = 612pt, height = 792pt. // - The origin (0, 0) is located at the bottom-left corner of the page. const customHighlight = { pageIndex: 0, // Specifies the page number where the highlight should be applied (0-based index). rects: [{ x: 500, y: 780, w: 100, h: 100 }], // Defines a rectangle at the top-right corner of the page. // Coordinates are based on PDF's coordinate system: // - 'x' is 500pt from the left edge. // - 'y' is 780pt up from the bottom edge. // - 'w' (width) extends 100pt to the right. // - 'h' (height) extends 100pt upwards. // The 'paintHandler' function provides custom rendering logic for highlights. paintHandler: (ctx, highlight) => { // Note: The PDF coordinate system starts with the origin at the bottom-left corner. // However, canvas drawing operations typically use a coordinate system with the origin at the top-left corner. // Therefore, coordinates must be converted when drawing on a canvas: // - You need to flip the Y-axis and adjust for any zoom applied to the PDF page. // The 'applyViewPortScale' method handles this conversion automatically, translating // the PDF coordinates into the canvas coordinate space based on the current zoom level of the page. const scaledRect = viewer.applyViewPortScale(highlight.rects[0], highlight.pageIndex); // Convert PDF coordinates to canvas coordinates. const { x, y, w, h } = scaledRect; // Destructure the converted coordinates for use in canvas drawing. // Set up styles ctx.strokeStyle = highlight.borderColor || 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.8)'; // Orange border ctx.lineWidth = highlight.borderWidth || 3; ctx.fillStyle = highlight.color || 'rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.5)'; // Gold fill // Draw an ellipse (for signature-like shape): ctx.beginPath(); ctx.ellipse(x + w / 2, y + h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); // Draw a star inside the ellipse: const centerX = x + w / 2; const centerY = y + h / 2; const outerRadius = w / 4; const innerRadius = outerRadius / 2; const points = 5; ctx.beginPath(); for (let i = 0; i < points; i++) { const angle = (Math.PI / points) * i * 2; const xOuter = centerX + Math.cos(angle) * outerRadius; const yOuter = centerY - Math.sin(angle) * outerRadius; ctx.lineTo(xOuter, yOuter); const xInner = centerX + Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / points) * innerRadius; const yInner = centerY - Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / points) * innerRadius; ctx.lineTo(xInner, yInner); } ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 69, 0, 0.7)'; // Red-Orange for the star ctx.fill(); ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.9)'; // Tomato color for the star border ctx.stroke(); } }; // Add the custom highlight with the custom paint handler to the first page: highlightManager.addHighlight(customHighlight.pageIndex, customHighlight); // Manually repaint the text layer to apply custom highlights (if not already done) //highlightManager.repaintTextLayer(); // Clear highlights on the first page //viewer.clearHighlightedSegments([0]); }); }
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