GrapeCity.Documents.Excel Namespace / TableStyleElementType Enumeration
TableStyleElementType Enumeration
Specifies the table style element used.
public enum TableStyleElementType : System.Enum 
BlankRow Specifies the blank row.
FirstColumn Specifies the first column.
FirstColumnStripe Specifies column stripe1.
FirstColumnSubheading Specifies column subheading1.
FirstHeaderCell Specifies the first header cell.
FirstRowStripe Specifies row stripe1.
FirstRowSubheading Specifies row subheading1.
FirstSubtotalColumn Specifies the subtotal column1.
FirstSubtotalRow Specifies the subtotal row1.
FirstTotalCell Specifies the first total cell.
GrandTotalColumn Specifies the grand total column in pivot.
GrandTotalRow Specifies the grand total row in pivot.
HeaderRow Specifes the header row.
HoveredSelectedItemWithData Specifies a selected item, hovered over by the user, that contains data.
HoveredSelectedItemWithNoData Specifies a selected item, hovered over by the user, that does not contain data.
HoveredUnselectedItemWithData Specifies an item, hovered over by the user, that is not selected and that contains data.
HoveredUnselectedItemWithNoData Specifies a selected item, hovered over by the user, that is not selected and that does not contain data.
LastColumn Specifies the last column.
LastHeaderCell Specifies the last header cell.
LastTotalCell Specifies the last total cell.
PageFieldLabels Specifies page field labels.
PageFieldValues Specifies page field values.
SecondColumnStripe Specifies column stripe2.
SecondColumnSubheading Specifies column subheading2.
SecondRowStripe Specifies row stripe2.
SecondRowSubheading Specifies row subheading2.
SecondSubtotalColumn Specifies the subtotal column2.
SecondSubtotalRow Specifies the subtotal row2.
SelectedItemWithData Specifies a selected item that contains data.
SelectedItemWithNoData Specifies a selected item that does not contain data.
ThirdColumnSubheading Specifies column subheading3.
ThirdRowSubheading Specifies row subheading3.
ThirdSubtotalColumn Specifies the subtotal column3.
ThirdSubtotalRow Specifies the subtotal row3.
TotalRow Specifies the total row.
UnselectedItemWithData Specifies an item that is not selected that contains data.
UnselectedItemWithNoData Specifies an item that is not selected that does not contain data.
WholeTable Specifies the entire table.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also