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GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing Namespace / ChartType Enumeration
In This Topic
    ChartType Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies the chart type.
    public enum ChartType : System.Enum 
    Area Specifies the area type.
    Area3D Specifies the 3D area type.
    AreaStacked Specifies the stacked area type.
    AreaStacked100 Specifies the 100% stacked area type.
    AreaStacked1003D Specifies the 3D 100% stacked area type.
    AreaStacked3D Specifies the 3D stacked area type.
    BarClustered Specifies the clustered bar type.
    BarClustered3D Specifies the 3D clustered bar type.
    BarOfPie Specifies bar of pie type.
    BarStacked Specifies the stacked bar type.
    BarStacked100 Specifies the 100% stacked bar type.
    BarStacked1003D Specifies the 3D 100% stacked bar type.
    BarStacked3D Specifies the 3D stacked bar.
    BoxWhisker Specifies the box and whisker type.
    Bubble Specifies the bubble type.
    Bubble3DEffect Specifies the bubble with 3D effects type.
    Column3D Specifies the 3D column type.
    ColumnClustered Specifies the clustered column type.
    ColumnClustered3D Specifies the 3D clustered column.
    ColumnStacked Specifies the stacked column.
    ColumnStacked100 Specifies the 100% stacked column.
    ColumnStacked1003D Specifies the 3D 100% stacked column type.
    ColumnStacked3D Specifies the 3D stacked column.
    Combo Specifies the combo type.
    Doughnut Specifies the doughnut type.
    DoughnutExploded Specifies the exploded doughnut type.
    Funnel Specifies the funnel type.
    Histogram Specifies the histogram type.
    Line Specifies the line type.
    Line3D Specifies the 3D line type.
    LineMarkers Specifies a line type with markers.
    LineMarkersStacked Specifies a stacked line type with markers.
    LineMarkersStacked100 Specifies 100% stacked line type with markers.
    LineStacked Specifies the stacked line type.
    LineStacked100 Specifies the 100% stacked line type.
    Pareto Specifies the pareto type.
    Pie Specifies the pie type.
    Pie3D Specifies the 3D pie type.
    PieExploded Specifies the exploded pie type.
    PieExploded3D Specifies the exploded 3D pie type.
    PieOfPie Specifies pie of pie type.
    Radar Specifies the radar type.
    RadarFilled Specifies the filled radar type.
    RadarMarkers Specifies the radar with data markers type.
    StockHLC Specifies the high-low-close type.
    StockOHLC Specifies open-high-low-close type.
    StockVHLC Specifies the volume-high-low-close type.
    StockVOHLC Specifies the volume-open-high-low-close type.
    Sunburst Specifies the sunburst type.
    Surface Specifies the 3D surface type.
    SurfaceTopView Specifies the surface (top view) type.
    SurfaceTopViewWireframe Specifies the surface (top view wireframe) type.
    SurfaceWireframe Specifies the 3D surface (wireframe) type.
    Treemap Specifies the treemap type.
    Waterfall Specifies the waterfall type.
    XYScatter Specifies the scatter type.
    XYScatterLines Specifies the scatter with lines type.
    XYScatterLinesNoMarkers Specifies the scatter with lines and no data markers type.
    XYScatterSmooth Specifies the scatter with smoothed lines type.
    XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers Specifies the scatter with smoothed lines and no data markers type.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also