GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing Namespace / LineDashStyle Enumeration
LineDashStyle Enumeration
Specifies the dash style for a line.
public enum LineDashStyle : System.Enum 
Dash Specifies the line consists of only dashes.
DashDot Specifies the line is a dash-dot pattern.
DashDotDot Specifies the line is a dash-dot-dot pattern.
LongDash Specifies the line consists of long dashes.
LongDashDot Specifies the line is a long dash-dot pattern.
LongDashDotDot Specifies the line is a long dash-dot-dot pattern.
Mixed For special shapes use only.
RoundDot Specifies the line is made up of round dots.
Solid Specifies the line is solid.
SquareDot Specifies the line is made up of square dots.
SysDash Specifies the line is a long system-dash pattern.
SysDashDot Specifies the line is a long system-dash-dot pattern.
SysDot Specifies the line is a long system-dot pattern.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also