In This Topic
The Edit group provides standard editing tools, such as copy, paste, and undo. It looks similar to the following image:

The Edit group includes the following options:
- Paste: Clicking the Paste button pastes the selected text into the C1RichTextBox. You can also paste text by pressing the CTRL + V key combination while text is selected.
- Cut: Clicking the Cut button cuts the selected text and places it on the clipboard. You can also cut text by pressing the CTRL + X key combination while text is selected.
- Copy: Clicking the Copy button copies the selected text so that it can be pasted into the C1RichTextBox or another application. You can also copy text by pressing the CTRL + C key combination while text is selected.
- Undo: Clicking the Undo button reverses the previous changes made to the content of the C1RichTextBox. The Undo button is not active unless changes have been made. You can also undo changes by pressing the CTRL + Z key combination.
- Redo: Clicking the Redo button after the Undo button has been clicked repeats the changes that had been previously reversed. The Redo button is not active unless the Undo button has been clicked. You can also redo changes by pressing the CTRL + Y key combination.
- FP: Clicking the FP button copies the formatting of the selected text and allows you to apply it to other text.