C1.WPF.PrintDocument.4.6.2 Assembly / C1.C1Preview Namespace / TableVectorGroupCollection Class
Properties Methods

TableVectorGroupCollection Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TableVectorGroupCollection.

Public Properties
Public PropertyGets a value indicating whether at least one group in the current collection of row/column groups is data bound.  
Public PropertyGets a combination of DataBindingModeEnum flags specifying the data binding mode of the current collection of row/column groups. This property returns:  
Public PropertyGets the row or column group that has the specified position in the containing table and element count. This property always returns a TableVectorGroup object. If the group with the specified parameters did not exist, it is created and added to the current collection.  
Public PropertyGets the RenderTable containing the current collection of row or column groups.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyGets the List used internally to store the elements of the current C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList)
Public Methods
Public MethodAssigns (copies) properties from another TableVectorGroupCollection to the current object.  
Public MethodClears the current C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList)
Public MethodSearches the current collection for a group with the specified position (row or column index) in the containing table, and count of elements.  
Public MethodSearches the current collection for all groups that contain the row or column with the specified index in the containing table, returns the array of all groups that were found.  
Public MethodGets the bound of the current group collection, i.e. the index of the last row or column in the contained groups plus 1.  
Public MethodGets the group of rows or columns which has the TableVectorGroup.ColumnFooter property set to true.  
Public MethodGets the group of rows or columns which has the TableVectorGroup.ColumnHeader property set to true.  
Public MethodGets the group of rows or columns which has the TableVectorGroup.PageFooter property set to true.  
Public MethodGets the group of rows or columns which has the TableVectorGroup.PageHeader property set to true.  
Public MethodReturns the index of the specified object in the current C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList. (Performs a fast search using the C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList.FindObjectIndex method.) (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAdds an object implementing the System.IComparable interface to the current list. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList)
Protected MethodPerforms a fast search for the specified object within the current C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList)
Protected MethodInserts the element at the specified index. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList)
Protected MethodRemoves the specified element from the current list. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList)
Protected MethodRemoves the element at the specified index from the current list. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Util.FastList)
See Also