C1.WPF.PrintDocument.4.6.2 Assembly / C1.C1Preview.DataBinding Namespace / AggregateFuncEnum Enumeration

AggregateFuncEnum Enumeration
Defines the set of supported aggregate functions (see Aggregate).
Public Enum AggregateFuncEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
AverageReturns the average of values of the expression within the scope.
CountReturns the count of values of the expression within the scope.
CountDistinctReturns the count of distinct values of the expression within the scope.
FirstReturns the first (in the sorted sequence) value of the expression within the scope.
LastReturns the last (in the sorted sequence) value of the expression within the scope.
MaxReturns the maximum of values of the expression within the scope.
MinReturns the minimum of values of the expression within the scope.
StDevReturns the standard deviation of values of the expression within the scope.
StDevPReturns the population standard deviation of values of the expression within the scope.
SumReturns the sum of values of the expression within the scope.
VarReturns the variance of values of the expression within the scope.
VarPReturns the population variance of values of the expression within the scope.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also