C1.WPF.PrintDocument.4.6.2 Assembly / C1.C1Preview.Export Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
C1.C1Preview.Export Namespace
ClassDescribes export to bitmaps representing the pages of a document.
ClassRepresents an object that can be used to export a document to C1DB format.
ClassRepresents a C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument's native C1DB format ExportProvider.
ClassRepresents an object that can be used to export a document to C1D format.
ClassThe abstract base class for C1dExporter and C1dxExporter classes.
ClassRepresents a C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument's native C1D format ExportProvider.
ClassRepresents the default options form for C1D/C1DX export modules.
ClassRepresents an object that can be used to export a document to C1DX format.
ClassRepresents a C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument's native C1DX format ExportProvider.
ClassThe abstract base class for C1dExporterBase and C1mdxExporter classes.
ClassRepresents an object that can be used to export a document to C1MDX format.
ClassRepresents a C1.C1Preview.C1MultiDocument's native C1MDX format ExportProvider.
ClassRepresents the default options form for C1D/C1DX export modules.
ClassThe abstract base class for all exporter classes associated with export providers derived from ComplexExportProvider. Non-abstract classes derived from this class must override the Exporter.ProcessPage method.
ClassRepresents a form for editing the export options used by a ComplexExporter.
ClassThe abstract base class describing an export format that performs export by iterating over the list of metafiles representing pages of a document.
ClassRepresents the default options form for export modules that do no have any custom options.
ClassDescribes export to DOCX (Open XML) format.
ClassRepresents a form for editing the export options used by an RtfExporter when exporting to Open XML DOCX format.
ClassProvides export of a document to a sequence of metafiles in disk files or in a stream.
ClassDescribes export to System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile objects representing the pages of a document.
ClassRepresents a form for editing the export options used by an EmfExporter.
ClassThe abstract base class for all exporter classes. An instance of an Exporter derived class is used to export a document.
ClassRepresents a form for editing the export options used by an Exporter.
ClassThe abstract base class describing a supported export format. All export providers describing specific formats (such as PDF or HTML) derive from this class. For the list of all available export providers, see ExportProviders.RegisteredProviders.
ClassRepresents the collection of registered export providers (classed derived from ExportProvider).
ClassProvides static utility methods for export and printing.
ClassDescribes export to GIF files representing the pages of a document.
ClassRepresents an object that can be used to export a C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument object to HTML.
ClassDescribes export to HTML.
ClassRepresents a form for editing the export options used by an HtmlExporter.
ClassRepresents an object that can be used to export a document to a sequence of images.
ClassThe abstract base class for all image export providers. Derived classes must override the GetImageFormat method.
ClassRepresents a form for editing the export options used by an ImageExporter.
ClassDescribes export to JPEG files representing the pages of a document.
ClassBase class for all exporters working over list of pages. Derived classes must override ProcessPage method.
ClassThe abstract base class for export providers that perform export by iterating over the list of metafiles representing the pages of a document.
ClassRepresents an object that can be used to export a document to PDF.
ClassDescribes export to Adobe PDF format.
ClassRepresents a form for editing the export options used by an PdfExporter.
ClassRepresents security properties of a PDF document.
ClassRepresents viewer preferences to be used when displaying a PDF document.
ClassDescribes export to PNG files representing the pages of a document.
ClassRepresents an object that can be used to export a document to RTF and DOCX formats.
ClassDescribes export to RTF format.
ClassRepresents a form for editing the export options used by an RtfExporter.
ClassDescribes export to TIFF files representing the pages of a document.
ClassRepresents an object that can be used to export a document to Excel (XLS and XLSX) formats.
ClassDescribes export to XLS format.
ClassRepresents a form for editing the export options used by an XlsExporter.
ClassDescribes export to XLSX (Open XML) format.
ClassRepresents an object that can be used to export a document to XPS (XML paper specification) format.
ClassDescribes export to XPS format.
EnumerationDefines the location of hyperlinks in the generated HTML pages.
EnumerationDefines the hyperlink generation mode.
EnumerationSpecifies the page layout to be used when a PDF document is opened.
EnumerationSpecifies how a PDF document should be displayed when opened.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of encryption to use for a password-protected PDF document.
See Also