C1.WPF.PrintDocument.4.6.2 Assembly / C1.C1Preview Namespace / ParagraphImage Class
Properties Methods

ParagraphImage Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ParagraphImage.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets the C1PrintDocument containing the current paragraph object. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Public PropertyGets the first RenderParagraphFragment of all fragments produced by the containing ParagraphObject.RenderParagraph that contains the current ParagraphObject. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the C1Hyperlink associated with the current paragraph object. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets an System.Drawing.Image that is rendered by the current ParagraphImage object.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the name of an image that is rendered by the current ParagraphImage object. When the current object renders, the actual image is retrieved by this name from the C1PrintDocument.Dictionary of the containing C1PrintDocument.  
Public PropertyGets the index of the current paragraph object in the containing ParagraphObjectCollection. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Public PropertyGets the last RenderParagraphFragment of all fragments produced by the containing ParagraphObject.RenderParagraph that contains the current ParagraphObject. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Public PropertyGets the ParagraphObjectCollection containing the current paragraph object. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Public PropertyGets the character 0-based position of the current paragraph object in the text of the paragraph.

Each non-text paragraph object (ParagraphImage) counts as one character.

(Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Public PropertyGets the ParagraphObject.RenderParagraph containing the current paragraph object. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Public PropertyGets the Style associated with the current paragraph object. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Public PropertyGets the length of the current paragraph object in characters. For non-text objects (ParagraphImage), this property returns 1. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets arbitrary data associated with the current paragraph object. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyFor internal use. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Protected PropertyFor internal use. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Public Methods
Public MethodOverridden. Assigns (copies) properties from another ParagraphObject to the current object.  
Public MethodCreates a copy of the current ParagraphObject object. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOverridden. Creates new empty ParagraphImage object.  
Protected MethodOverridden. Returns the length of the current paragraph object.  
Protected MethodFor internal use. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Protected MethodFor internal use. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
Protected MethodIndicates whether the ParagraphObject.Style property should be serialized. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.ParagraphObject)
See Also