C1.WPF.PrintDocument.4.6.2 Assembly / C1.C1Preview Namespace / FontProcessingOptions Class
Properties Methods

FontProcessingOptions Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by FontProcessingOptions.

Public Constructors
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating how EmbeddedFont builds lists of glyphs when FontHandling is set to FontHandling.EmbedActualFonts or FontHandling.BuildActualDocumentFonts.  
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating how font embedding and substitution are handled by the current C1PrintDocument.

For details on the available options see members of the FontHandling enumeration.

Note that if this property is set to a value other than FontHandling.EmbedFonts or FontHandling.EmbedActualFonts (i.e. fonts are not embedded automatically), you may manually add certain fonts that you want embedded, to the document's EmbeddedFonts collection.

The default value of this property is FontHandling.None.

Public PropertyGets or sets the name of a font used when a document or report cannot find a suitable font to display a text. This property is only used when FontHandling is set to FontHandling.EmbedActualFonts or FontHandling.BuildActualDocumentFonts, and UseOldSubstitutionAlgorithm is false.

The default value is "Arial Unicode MS". When setting this property, please specify a font containing symbols for as many Unicode characters as possible.

Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether to use the old (prior to 2013v1 release) algorithm of font substitution. This property is only used when FontHandling is set to FontHandling.EmbedActualFonts or FontHandling.BuildActualDocumentFonts. The default value is false.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCopies properties from another object into this object.  
Public MethodResets properties of this object to default values.  
See Also