C1.WPF.PrintDocument.4.6.2 Assembly / C1.C1Preview.Export Namespace / C1ExporterBase Class
Fields Properties Methods Events

C1ExporterBase Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by C1ExporterBase.

Protected Fields
Protected Field (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets the object representing the document that will be exported by the current exporter's Exporter.Export or Exporter.Export methods. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public PropertyGets or sets the Exporter.DocumentInfo object associated with the Exporter.Document assigned to the current exporter. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public PropertyGets or sets the type of form that is used to edit the fields of Exporter.DocumentInfo class. That form can be invoked from the export options form (Exporter.OptionsFormClass). The form's type must be assignable to C1.C1Preview.Forms.DocumentInfoForm. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public PropertyGets an instance of a class derived from Exporter.ExportProvider describing the export format associated with the current exporter. That instance can be used to retrieve static information about the current export format such as format description or default extension. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public PropertyGets or sets the type of form that is used to edit export options. That form is shown when the Exporter.Export or the Exporter.Export method is called if Exporter.ShowOptions is true. The form's type must be assignable to the type specified by the ExportProvider.DefaultOptionsFormClass property. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public PropertyGets or sets the type name of form that is used to edit export options. That form is shown when the Exporter.Export or the Exporter.Export method is called if Exporter.ShowOptions is true. The form's type must be assignable to the type specified by the ExportProvider.DefaultOptionsFormClass property. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public PropertyGets the list of files which were generated by the call to Exporter.Export. Typically exporters produce a single file (e.g. RtfExporter, XlsExporter), but some (like HtmlExporter and EmfExporter) may produce several files all of which can be then accessed through this property. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the exported document should be opened after exporting it to a disk file (using the Exporter.Export method). The application used to open the file is determined by the OS shell. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public PropertyGets or sets the range of pages that is to be exported. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public PropertyGets or sets the type of form that is used to enter the export output range. That form can be invoked from the export options form (Exporter.OptionsFormClass). The form's type must be assignable to C1.C1Preview.Forms.OutputRangeForm. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public PropertySpecifies the System.Drawing.Graphics object used by export. For example, that System.Drawing.Graphics can be used to convert System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusDual or System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusOnly metafiles to System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfOnly. If this property is null, the screen device context is used. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the options dialog should be shown to the user before exporting the document. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyGets the output file name. This property is set when the Exporter.Export method is called. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected PropertyGets the output stream. This property is set when the Exporter.Export method is called. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded. Exports the object specified by the Exporter.Document property on the current exporter to the specified file. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public MethodDisplays a dialog that allows the user to edit the export options. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOverridden. Overridden. Tests whether Exporter.OutputFileName can be previewed. Calls the base implementation, if that returns false, tries to create an instance of C1.Win.C1Preview.C1PrintPreviewDialog, returns true if succeeds.  
Protected MethodResets the internal state of the exporter and all its public properties. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected MethodIndicates whether page metafiles of types System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusDual and System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusOnly should be converted to System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfOnly type before exporting. The base implementation returns false. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected MethodCopies the options from the specified export options form to corresponding properties on the current exporter. Can be overridden in a derived class to handle format-specific options. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected MethodCopies the properties of the current exporter to corresponding user-editable options of the specified export options form. Can be overridden in a derived class to handle format-specific options. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected MethodMakes sure the Exporter.Document has been generated if it is an instance of the C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument class. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected MethodProcesses (exports) all pages in the range to be exported. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected MethodGets the file name (with path) for the file containing the specified page. Used only for export formats that save a page per file (e.g. TIFF). (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected MethodPerforms export to a disk file or to a stream. The destination (file or stream) is determined by which of the properties (Exporter.OutputFileName or Exporter.OutputStream) is non-null when this method executes. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected MethodCalled after the Exporter.Document property has been changed. If you override this, make sure this base method also gets called. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected Method (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Protected MethodOverridden. Overridden. Previews Exporter.OutputFileName. Tries to preview the output file, either using the OS shell or an own instance of C1.Win.C1Preview.C1PrintPreviewDialog if there is no shell association on the current system.  
Protected MethodOverridden. Not supported for this class.  
Protected MethodResets the internal state of the exporter. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
Public Events
Public EventOccurs periodically during export. Allows to show progress and give the end user the ability to cancel the operation. (Inherited from C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporter)
See Also