Reflector (Silverlight Only) / Reflector for Silverlight Quick Start / Step 3 of 4: Customizing the C1Reflector Control
Step 3 of 4: Customizing the C1Reflector Control

In the first two steps of this quick start, you created a Silverlight project, added a C1Reflector control to it, and then added content to the C1Reflector control. At this point, you have a functional project; if you run it, you'll see a two-dimensional, solid reflection. But you're not done yet: there are still properties you can set to make the project look even better. In this step, you'll use Expression Blend to add blur and opacity effects to the reflection and then place the control on a three-dimensional plane.

Complete the following steps:

  1. In Solution Explorer, right click MainPage.xaml to open its context menu and then select Open in Expression Blend. The project opens in Expression Blend.
  2. Under the Objects and Timeline tab, select C1Reflector to open its properties in the Properties panel.
  3. Add the opacity and blur effects to the reflection by completing the following steps:
    1. Click the ReflectionEffects ellipsis button to open the Effect Collection Editor: ReflectionEffects dialog box.
    2. Click Add another item. The Select Object dialog box opens.
    3. Select ReflectionOpacityEffect from the list and then click OK to add the effect to the control and return to the Effect Collection Editor: ReflectionEffects dialog box.
    4. In the Properties grid, set the following properties:
    5. Click Add another item. The Select Object dialog box opens.
    6. Select BlurEffect from the list and then click OK to add the effect to the control and return to the Effect Collection Editor: ReflectionEffects dialog box.
    7. In the Properties grid, set the Radius property to "2". This low number will provide a soft blur around the edges of the control.
    8. Press OK to close the Effect Collection Editor: ReflectionEffects dialog box.
  4. To alter the C1Reflector control's plane, locate the ContentProjection property and, under the Rotation tab, complete the following: 
    1. In the X text box, enter "25".
    2. In the Y text box, enter "45".
    3. In the Z text box, enter "1".

In this step, you set properties that altered the appearance of the C1Reflector control and its contents. In the next step, you will run the project.