Calendar for WPF | ComponentOne
In This Topic
    Calendar Overview
    In This Topic

    The Calendar for WPF is used to create a highly interactive one-month calendar user interface. The Calendar control has been designed with rich and flexible API to navigate through months and select a specific date value or a range of dates.

    Our Calendar control has a new look. Designed for desktop, it supports improvement for touch functionality. Calendar supports custom UI templates and smooth animation.

    Calendar also provides multiple display modes, orientation, styling and template options, which makes the control even more functional.

    Calendar control showing smooth animation 

    Documentation Product Sample

    Create Your First Application using Calendar



    Appearance and Styling

    Multi Month Calendar

    Product samples are located at Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WPF\vx.x\CS\Calendar on your system, if you have installed the samples while installing WPF Edition using ComponentOneControlPanel.exe.


    First look at Fluent WPF Calendar and Accordion

    API References
    API References