RadialMenu Overview / RadialMenu Tutorial / RadialMenu Tutorial Step 2 of 3: Adding the Second Menu and Submenu Items
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RadialMenu Tutorial Step 2 of 3: Adding the Second Menu and Submenu Items
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In this step, you will add submenu items to the existing Products menu.

  1. In the RadialMenu properties window click on the ellipsis button next to the Items property. The RadialMenuBaseItem Collection Editor appears.
  2. Select radialMenuItem2 from the Members list and set its Name property to rmiProducts and Text property to Products.
  3. Click on ellipsis button next to the Items property. The RadialMenuBaseItem Collection Editor appears.
  4. Click on the Add dropdown button and select RadialMenuItem. Repeat this so there are 6 RadialMenuItems.
  5. Select the first member, radialMenuItem2, and set its Image property to ultLogo_32, ToolTip property to Studio Ultimate, and Name property to rmiStuUlt.
  6. Select the second member, radialMenuItem7, and set its Image property to seLogo_32, ToolTip property to Studio Enterprise, and Name property to rmiStuEnt.
  7. Select the third member, radialMenuItem8, and set its Image property to c1powersuite_logo_32, ToolTip property to Enterprise-ready reporting and spreadsheets controls for .NET applications, and its Name property to rmiStuPower.
  8. Select the fourth member, radialMenuItem9, and set its Image property to winformsLogo_321, Tooltip property to Studio for WinForms, and its Name property to rmiStuWinForms.
  9. Select the fifth member, radialMenuItem10, and set its Image property to wpfLogo_32, ToolTip property to Studio for WPF, and its Name property to rmiStuWPF.
  10. Select the sixth member, radialMenuItem11, and set its Image property to aspLogo_32, ToolTip property to Studio for ASP.NET Wijmo, and Name property to rmiStuWijmo.
  11. Click OK to save and close the RadialMenuItemBase Collection Editor.
  12. Click OK to save and close the RadialMenuItemBase Collection Editor.
  13. Run your project and observe the following:

Radial menu

Notice the second RadialMenuItem, Products, is added. Click on the Products menu and its submenu items appear like the following:

Radial menu with items

Notice when you hover over a menu item its tooltip appears. To navigate back to the main Radial menu, click on the back button.

See Also