ComponentOne Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
RadialMenu Overview / RadialMenu Appearance and Behavior / ToolTips in Radial Menu
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    ToolTips in Radial Menu
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    A tooltip is used to display text when the mouse hovers over the item. For example, you can add ToolTip to each menu item page to provide more information to the user about the item or command.

    Tooltip text placement

    The Radial menu items and command items have RadialMenuItem.ToolTip and RadialMenuCommandItem.ToolTip properties for you to use to create a user-friendly application. For more information on adding a tooltip, see Tutorial. You can specify the position of the ToolTip through TooltipPlacement property of the C1RadialMenu whose value is set through the TooltipPlacementMode enumeration. The following table describes the available options for the TooltipPlacementMode enumeration.

    Option Description
    Default Tooltip appears to the right of the RadialMenu.
    Absolute Tooltip appears at a position relative to the upper-left corner of the screen with an offset specified by the property values, HorizontalOffset and VerticalOffset.
    Center Tooltip appears at the center of the placement target element.
    Custom Tooltip appears at a position defined by CustomTooltipDisplaying delegate property.
    Mouse Tooltip appears at a position relative to the tip of the mouse cursor with an offset specified by the property values, HorizontalOffset and VerticalOffset.
    Relative Tooltip appears at a position relative to the upper-left corner of the placement target with an offset specified by the property values, HorizontalOffset and VerticalOffset.

    In the below code snippet, TooltipPlacement property is set to Absolute for menu items in Radial Menu.

    Copy Code
    c1RadialMenu1.TooltipPlacement = C1.Win.C1Command.RadialMenu.TooltipPlacementMode.Absolute;
    See Also