C1.Win.8 Assembly / C1.Framework Namespace / GridPanel Class

GridPanel Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see GridPanel members.

Public Methods
Public MethodOverridden.   
Public MethodSets the focus to the host control and to this Element within the host control. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodOverloaded. Gets the element's bounds (size and location) within an arbitrary ancestor, in pixels. Ancestor element (parent, grand-parent, etc). A System.Drawing.Rectangle that corresponds to the element's position within the given ancestor. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public Method (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodNavigates up the tree to find an ancestor of a given type. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodNavigates up the tree to find an ancestor of a given type. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodReturns the scroll origin (override to implement non-scrolling areas). (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodReturns the element at a given point. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodOverloaded. Invalidates this Element within the host control. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodDetermines whether this element is a child of another element. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodDetermines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodOverloaded. Overridden. Perform layout using host control's System.Drawing.Graphics object.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Provides the size, in pixels, of the specified content drawn on the specified System.Drawing.Graphics surface. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodAdjusts the location of this element by the specified amount. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the user clicks this Element. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the user double-clicks this Element. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when this Element receives the focus. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the user presses a key and this Element has the focus. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the user presses a character key and this Element has the focus. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the user releases a key and this Element has the focus. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when this Element loses the focus. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the user presses a mouse button over this Element. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the mouse enters this Element. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the mouse enters this Element, even if another element has captured the mouse. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the mouse leaves this Element. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the mouse leaves this Element, even if another element has captured the mouse. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the user releases the left mouse button over a disabled Element. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the mouse moves over this Element. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the user releases a mouse button over this Element. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodHandles MouseWheel events. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control after the element has been validated. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodCalled by the host control when the element is about to lose focus. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodComputes the location of the specified screen point into client coordinates. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodComputes the location of the specified client point into screen coordinates. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodOverridden.   
Public MethodRenders the child elements into a given rectangle. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodRender this element's content (no children). (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodOverloaded. Marks this element as dirty, forcing all parent and child elements to be laid out. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Protected Methods
Protected Method (Inherited from C1.Framework.BasePanel)
Protected Method (Inherited from C1.Framework.BasePanel)
Protected Method (Inherited from C1.Framework.BasePanel)
Protected MethodFinalizes the user interface. This method is called when element is removed from UI. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Protected MethodGets a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath that covers only the borders (hollow, used to renders the borders). (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Protected MethodGets the DPI value for the display device where the Element.HostControl is currently being displayed. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Protected Method (Inherited from C1.Framework.BasePanel)
Protected Method (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Protected MethodCalled by the host control when the state of this Element changes. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Protected MethodProvides constants for rescaling the Element when a DPI change occurs. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Protected MethodOverloaded. Scales the Style instance uses the DeviceDpi value if this element has a Element.HostControl. (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
Protected MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from C1.Framework.BasePanel)
Protected Method (Inherited from C1.Framework.BasePanel)
Protected Method (Inherited from C1.Framework.Element)
See Also