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The FlexPivotPage control includes a smart tag in Visual Studio to provide access to its commonly used properties and tasks.
To access the FlexPivotPage Tasks menu, click the smart tag in the upper-right corner of the FlexPivotPage control. This smart tag appears similar to the image below.

The FlexPivotPage Tasks menu provides the following options:
- Show Totals Rows
Clicking the Show Totals Rows check box adds a row at the bottom of your grid that totals all the data in the column.
- Show Totals Columns
Clicking the Show Totals Columns check box adds a column to the right of the last column in your grid that totals all the data in the row.
- Show Zeros
Clicking the Show Zeros check box shows any cells containing zero in the grid.
- Totals Before Data
Clicking the Totals Before Data check box adds a Totals column or row before the data columns and rows.
- Show Detail on Right Click
Clicking the Show Detail on Right Click check box allows a detail view to be shown when the user right-clicks a cell in the grid.
- Show Selection Status
Clicking the Show Selection Status check box causes the control to display the sum of the values selected on the grid in the status bar along the bottom of the control. This corresponds to setting the ShowSelectionStatus property to True.
- Chart Type
Clicking the drop-down arrow next to ChartType allows you to select the chart type options such as Bar, Column, Area, Line, and Scatter.
- Palette
Clicking the drop-down arrow next to Palette allows you to select among the 16 pre-defined color palettes.
- Show Legend
Clicking the drop-down arrow next to Show Legend allows you to choose whether to always, never, or automatically show the legend.
- Show Title
Clicking the Show Title check box places a title above the chart.
- Show Gridlines
Clicking the Show Gridlines check box places gridlines in the chart.
- Stacked
Clicking the Stacked check box creates a chart view where the data is stacked.
- Show Raw Data
Clicking the Show Raw Data check box adds a raw data table, which contains the raw data from your data sources, to the views.
- Choose Data Source
Clicking the drop-down arrow in the Choose Data Source box opens a list of available data sources and allows you to add a new data source. To add a new data source to the project, click Add Project Data Source to open the Data Source Configuration Wizard.
- About FlexPivotPage
Clicking About FlexPivotPage displays a dialog box, which provides the version number of the product and other online resources.
- Undock in parent container
Clicking Undock in parent container sets the Dock property to None so that none of the borders of the control are bound to the container. The menu option then changes to Dock in parent container. When you click this option, the Dock property of the control sets to Fill and the control bounds to the container.
Note: WinForms .NET Edition does not include rich design-time support yet. We will enhance it in future releases.