2D Chart for WinForms | ComponentOne
Specific 2D Charts / Histogram Charts / Histogram Chart Programming Considerations
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    Histogram Chart Programming Considerations
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    Unlike other Cartesian charts, a histogram input is not specified by X and Y coordinates. Instead, a single array of raw data values is specified in the Y ChartDataArray of each ChartDataSeries. Depending upon the IntervalCreationMethod selected, histogram input may also use the X ChartDataArray of a ChartDataSeries to specify interval boundaries.

    The following table lists the Data Arrays and describes the effect each one has on Histogram charts.

    Property Description
    X Holds the interval boundaries for histograms with XDataBoundaries as the IntervalCreationMethod.
    Y Holds the raw data values.
    Y1 No effect for Histogram charts.
    Y2 No effect for Histogram charts.
    Y3 No effect for Histogram charts.
    See Also