Task-Based Help / Setting C1TreeView to Open on Hover
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Setting C1TreeView to Open on Hover
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C1TreeView supports expanding nodes when they are hovered over as an alternative to expanding on a mouse click. This topic will walk you through setting the ExpandCollapseHoverUsed property.

In Design View

  1. In the Design View, navigate to the C1TreeView Properties window and locate the ExpandCollapseHoverUsed property.

  2. Use the drop-down menu to set the property to "true".
  3. Run your project. Note that the nodes will expand when hovered over with the mouse.

In Source View

Add ExpandCollapseHoverUse="true" to the <cc1:C1TreeView> tags to resemble the following sample:

<cc1:C1TreeView ID="C1TreeView1" runat="server" AutoCollapse="True"

See Also