TreeView for ASP.NET Web Forms Samples

Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos, which may make use of other ComponentOne development tools included with ComponentOne Studio Enterprise.

C# Samples

The following pages within the ControlExplorer sample installed with ComponentOne Studio for ASP.NET Web Forms detail the C1TreeView control's functionality:





The C1TreeView presents items in a hierarchical tree structure. The C1TreeView supports expand/collapse animations, stylish themes, and drag-and-drop functionality.    

AutoCollapse This sample illustrates the auto collapse feature of the C1TreeView control. In this feature, all expanded nodes will be collapsed if another node is expanded.    
CheckBox This sample demonstrates how C1TreeView supports showing tree nodes with tri-state check boxes.
DataBinding C1TreeView supports data binding – you can bind to an XML or SiteMap data source, or you can read data from any data source and create the C1TreeView hierarchy dynamically.
DragDrop C1TreeView supports the drag and drop behavior which allows the end-user to drag and drop nodes to rearrange the tree structure.
ExpandOnHover C1TreeView supports expanding and collapsing when nodes are hovered as an alternative to being clicked.
Icon This sample illustrates how to add icons to C1TreeViewNode; in addition, it also shows how you can switch icons based on a C1TreeViewNode's current state.    
LoadOnDemand C1TreeView supports retrieving data (nodes) dynamically. Child nodes are loaded using AJAX when their parent is expanded.
ObjectModel This sample shows how to dynamically add and remove nodes from the C1TreeView from client-side code.