Task-Based Help / Adding a Child Node with a ButtonClick Event
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Adding a Child Node with a ButtonClick Event
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This topic illustrates adding a Child Node with a ButtonClick() event. To complete this Help, you will create a C1TreeView with child  nodes, add a button to the application, and call the ButtonClick() event with jQuery syntax.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Begin in Design View and add a C1TreeView control to your application.
  2. Click the smart tag to open the C1TreeView Tasks menu. Select Edit TreeView.
  3. Create a TreeView structure that resembles the following image:

  4. Add a general Button control to the application and then switch to Source View.
  5. Locate the <asp:Button>  tag and add OnClientClick="buttonClick(); return false;" to the tag to allow the button to call the jQuery script you will add.  The markup should resemble the following:

    <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClientClick="buttonClick(); return false;" />
  6. Add the following script above the <asp:Button> tag. This will call the ButtonClick() event.
    Copy Code
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function buttonClick() {
            var nodes = $("#<%= C1TreeView1.ClientID %>").c1treeview("getSelectedNodes");
            //Find all selected nodes (user can use Ctrl/Shift to select multiple)     
            //Add a new node to the first selected node      
            nodes[0].element.c1treeviewnode("add", { text: "Test User 1", value: "user" });
  7. Press F5 to run your application. Click the button to add a new node to the Tree.
See Also