C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1EventsCalendar Namespace / RecurrencePattern Class

RecurrencePattern Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see RecurrencePattern members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets the raw pattern data.  
Public PropertyThe number of the day in its respective month on which each occurrence will occur. Applicable only when the recurrenceType field is set to "monthly" or "yearly". The default value is 1.  
Public PropertyString, contains set of values representing the mask for week days on which the recurring event occurs. Monthly and yearly patterns are only valid for a single day. The default value is "none". When the "RecurrenceType" field is set to "daily", the "DayOfWeekMask" field can only be set to "everyDay"; setting the field to any other value will result in an exception. When the "recurrenceType" field is set to "workdays", the "dayOfWeekMask" field can only be set to "workDays"; setting the field to any other value will result in an exception. When the "recurrenceType" field is set to "weekly", the "dayOfWeekMask" field cannot be set to "none"; doing so will result in an exception being thrown. When the recurrenceType" field is set to "monthly" or "yearly" the "dayOfWeekMask" field is not applicable. Possible values are: none - no specific value. sunday - specifies Sunday. monday - Specifies Monday. tuesday - Specifies Tuesday. wednesday - Specifies Wednesday. thursday - Specifies Thursday. friday - Specifies Friday. saturday - Specifies Saturday. weekendDays - Specifies Saturday and Sunday. workDays - Specifies work days (all days except weekend). everyDay - Specifies every day of the week.  
Public PropertyIndicates the end time for the given occurrence of the recurrence pattern.  
Public PropertyHolds the list of event object ids that define the exceptions to that series of events.  
Public PropertyDetermines the week in a month in which the event will occur. This field is only valid for recurrences of the "monthlyNth" and "yearlyNth" types and allows the definition of a recurrence pattern that is only valid for the Nth occurrence, such as "the 2nd Sunday in March" pattern. The default value is "first". Possible values are: first - the recurring event will occur on the specified day or days of the first week in the month. second - The recurring event will occur on the specified day or days of the second week in the month. third = - The recurring event will occur on the specified day or days of the third week in the month. fourth - The recurring event will occur on the specified day or days of the fourth week in the month. last - The recurring event will occur on the specified day or days of the last week in the month.  
Public PropertySpecifies the interval between occurrences of the recurrence. The interval field works in conjunction with the "recurrenceType" field to determine the cycle of the recurrence. The maximum allowable value is 99 for weekly patterns and 999 for daily patterns. The default value is 1. For example, if the recurrenceType is set to daily, and the "interval" is set to 3, the recurrence will occur every third day.  
Public PropertyNumber, indicates which month of the year is valid for the specified recurrence pattern. Can be a number from 1 to 12. This field is only valid for recurrence patterns whose recurrenceType" field is set to "yearlyNth" or "yearly". The default value is 1.  
Public PropertyIndicates if the recurrence pattern is endless. The default value is True. This field must be coordinated with other fields when setting up a recurrence pattern. If the patternEndDate field or the occurrences field is set, the pattern is considered to be finite and the "noEndDate" field is false. If neither patternEndDate nor occurrences is set, the pattern is considered infinite and "noEndDate" is true.  
Public PropertyThe number of occurrences for the recurrence pattern. This field allows the definition of a recurrence pattern that is only valid for the specified number of subsequent occurrences. For example, you can set this property to 10 for a formal training course that will be held on the next ten Thursday evenings. The default value is 0. This field must be coordinated with other fields when setting up a recurrence pattern. If the "patternEndDate" field or the "occurrences" field is set, the pattern is considered to be finite and the "noEndDate" field is false. If neither "patternEndDate" nor "occurrences" is set, the pattern is considered infinite and "noEndDate" is true.  
Public PropertyId of the event object which represents the master event for this RecurrencePattern object.  
Public PropertyIndicates the end date of the recurrence pattern.  
Public PropertyIndicates the start date of the recurrence pattern.  
Public PropertyDetermines the type of recurrence: daily - the recurring event reoccurs on a daily basis. workdays - the recurring event reoccurs every working day. monthly - the recurring event reoccurs on a monthly basis. monthlyNth - the recurring event reoccurs every N months. weekly - the recurring event reoccurs on a weekly basis. yearly - the recurring event reoccurs on an yearly basis. yearlyNth - the recurring event reoccurs every N years.  
Public PropertyHolds the list of event object's ids removed from that series of events.  
Public PropertyIndicates the start time for the given occurrence of the recurrence pattern.  
See Also