Task-Based Help / Theming / Using a Custom Theme
Using a Custom Theme

Using jQuery Mobile Themeroller to roll your own theme is both simple and intuitive. All you have to do is drag colors from the color-picker to the desired section of the swatch. Once you've downloaded and saved your new theme, follow these directions to apply it to your application.

  1. In the Solution Explorer, select Show All Files to display the hidden files in your application.
  2. Locate the Content folder and right-click to display the list. Select Include in Project.
  3. Right-click the Content folder again and select Add | Existing Item from the list.
  4. Browse to locate the file which contains your custom theme, and select the minified theme file. Click Add to add the file to your application.
  5. Add the following reference to the <head> </head> tags of your application. Make certain that the theme name references the name you gave your theme:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/Content/mycustomtheme1.min.css" type="text/css" />
  6. Select the swatches you'd like to use in your application and set the FilterTheme and ThemeSwatch properties. Your markup will resemble the following:
    <cc1:C1ListView ID="C1ListView1" runat="server" Filter="true" Inset="true" FilterTheme="g" ThemeSwatch="g">
  7. Press F5 or start debugging to run your application. Note that your custom theme has been applied to your application.