Task-Based Help / Creating a Navigation List
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Creating a Navigation List
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You can easily create a linked navigation list using the C1ListView control. Follow these steps to create a navigation list:

  1. Add a C1ListView control to your application either by locating the control in your Visual Studio Toolbox and double-clicking it, or by adding the following markup to your application:
    <cc1:C1ListView ID="C1ListView1" runat="server"></cc1:C1ListView>
  2. Place your cursor between the <cc1:C1ListView> </cc1:C1ListView> tags and insert the following markup:
    <Items> </Items>
  3. Between the <Items> tags, add the following markup to add three C1ListViewLinkItems. The NavigateUrl property embeds the link to an outside website:
    <cc1:C1ListViewLinkItem Text="ComponentOne" NavigateUrl="http://www.componentone.com/"></cc1:C1ListViewLinkItem>
    <cc1:C1ListViewLinkItem Text="Google" NavigateUrl="http://www.google.com/"> </cc1:C1ListViewLinkItem>
    <cc1:C1ListViewLinkItem Text="YAHOO" NavigateUrl="http://www.yahoo.com/" Title="yahoo"></cc1:C1ListViewLinkItem>
  4. One C1ListViewLinkItem can contain two links if you use the SplitUrl property. To set this property, edit the second C1ListViewLinkItem so that it resembles the following:
    <cc1:C1ListViewLinkItem Text="Google" NavigateUrl="http://www.google.com/" SplitUrl="http://news.google.com/" SplitTitle="google news"> </cc1:C1ListViewLinkItem>
  5. When you run your application, it should resemble the following image:
See Also