ComponentOne FlipCard for ASP.NET Web Forms
Explore FlipCard / Customizing Animation
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    Customizing Animation
    In This Topic

    Change the Animation property to customize how to flip the FlipCard from the front to the back panel.

    In the Design View

    Complete the following steps to customize the animation:

    1. Right click the FlipCard and select Properties. This opens the Properties Window.
    2. In the Properties Window, expand the Animation property, and change the Direction to Vertical, Duration to 700 and Type to slide.
    3. To flip the card without animation, set Animation.Disabled as True.


    In Source View

    Modify the Animation property within the <cc1:C1FlipCard> tag, to customize animation on Flipcard.

    <cc1:C1FlipCard ID="C1FlipCard1" runat="server" Animation-Direction="Vertical" Animation-Duration="700" Animation-Type="slide">

    In Code

    Add the following code to the Page_Load event to customize the animation on Flipcard.

    To write code in C#

    C1FlipCard1.Animation.Direction = C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1FlipCard.FlipDirection.Vertical;
    C1FlipCard1.Animation.Duration = Convert.ToInt32(700);
    C1FlipCard1.Animation.Type = "slide";                        

    To write code in Visual Basic

    C1FlipCard1.Animation.Direction = C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1FlipCard.FlipDirection.Vertical
    C1FlipCard1.Animation.Duration = Convert.ToInt32(700)
    C1FlipCard1.Animation.Type = "slide"