ComponentOne FlipCard for ASP.NET Web Forms
Explore FlipCard / Change Flip Direction
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    Change Flip Direction
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    Change how the card flips using the Animation.Direction property. By default, the card flips horizontally, but you can flip it vertically.

    In the Design View

    1. Select the FlipCard control and click the smart tag to open the C1FlipCard Tasks Menu.
    2. On the FlipCard Tasks Menu, change Direction to Vertical.

    In Source View

    Modify the Animation.Direction property in the <cc1:C1FlipCard> tag, to flip the card vertically.

    <cc1:C1FlipCard ID="C1FlipCard1" runat="server" Animation-Direction="Vertical">
    <p> This is the Front Side</p>
    <p> This is the Back Side</p>

    In Code

    Add the following code to the Page_Load event to flip the card vertically.

    To write code in C#

    C1FlipCard1.Animation.Direction= C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1FlipCard.FlipDirection.Vertical;

    To write code in Visual Basic

    C1FlipCard1.Animation.Direction= C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1FlipCard.FlipDirection.Vertical