ComponentOne FlipCard for ASP.NET Web Forms
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    Design-Time Support
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    You can configure FlipCard at design time using the property grid and tasks menu in Visual Studio.


    You can change the CurrentSide property of the control to Back to show the back panel of the FlipCard. By default, the CurrentSide property is set Front.

    Theme: The Theme dropdown box allows you to set the Theme property and change the control's appearance to one of the predefined themes.

    Create new theme

    Clicking this link opens the NewThemeForm that allows you to create new themes using the existing ones or import a theme.

    To know how to create a new theme using Themeroller, visit Themeroller for Visual Studio.

    Use CDN

    When the Use CDN checkbox is selected it loads the client resources from CDN. This is not selected by default.

    Use Bootstrap

    When the Use Bootstrap checkbox is selected, Bootstrap theming will be applied to the control. To find more information about Bootstrap theming, see Bootstrap theming.


    Clicking on the About item displays a dialog box, which is helpful in finding the version number of ASP.NET Web Forms Edition and online resources.