Bubble Chart Elements / Axes / Axis Appearance
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Axis Appearance
In This Topic

The Alignment property can be set to three different settings: Center, Near, or Far. Setting the alignment to center centers the axis title in comparison to the chart area. Setting the alignment to Near places the axis title to the left side of the chart area. Setting the alignment to Far places the axis title to the right side of the chart area.

To modify the X-Axis labels at design time, expand the Axis->X->Labels->AxisLabelStyle and set the FontSize property.

The Fill.Color property changes the color of the axis line, tick marks, label, and title. For example, to modify the X-Axis labels font color at design time, expand the Axis->X-> Labels->AxisLabelStyle->Fill and then click the ellipsis button next to Color and select a color.

The following example shows the source view for the Color property after it has been set:

To write code in Source View

<X Max="2010" AutoMin ="false" Min="2005" Text="Year">
<TextStyle FontSize="16">
<Style FontSize="12">
<Fill Color="#0033CC">
<TickMajor Position="Outside">
See Also