MESCIUS.ActiveReports Assembly / GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Rendering.IO.Mht Namespace / MhtStreamProvider Class / CreatePrimaryStream Method
A string value indicating the mime type ('image/png', 'text/html', etc).
A string value with the suggested file extension to appended to the end of the file name.

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CreatePrimaryStream Method (MhtStreamProvider)
In This Topic
Creates the primary stream for the stream provider. This is the main working stream.
Public Overrides NotOverridable Function CreatePrimaryStream( _
   ByVal mimeType As String, _
   ByVal suggestedFileExtension As String _
) As StreamInfo


A string value indicating the mime type ('image/png', 'text/html', etc).
A string value with the suggested file extension to appended to the end of the file name.

Return Value

See Also