MESCIUS.ActiveReports Assembly / GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Printing Namespace
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Printing Namespace (MESCIUS.ActiveReports)
ClassPage margins
ClassSpecifies the dimensions of the margins of a printed page. This is a cross-platform version of System.Drawing.Printing.Margins.
ClassSpecifies the size of a piece of paper in hundredths of an inch. This is a cross-platform version of System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize.
ClassSpecifies the paper tray from which the printer gets paper.
ClassThis is a cross-platform wrapper around GDI+ Printer.
ClassProvides data for the Printer.BeginPrint and Printer.EndPrint events.
ClassSummary description for PrintingThreadErrorEventArgs.
ClassPrint options
ClassProvides data for the PrintPage event.
ClassProvides data for the Printer.QueryPageSettings event.
ClassWatermark options
InterfaceSpecifies settings that apply to a single, printed page. This interface is used instead of System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings.
InterfaceSpecifies information about how a document is printed, including the printer that prints it. This interface is used instead of System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.
DelegateSummary description for Document Events.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the Printer.BeginPrint or Printer.EndPrint event of a Printer.
DelegateSummary description for Document Events.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the PrintPage event of a Printer.
DelegateSummary description for Document Events.
DelegateRepresents the method that handles the Printer.QueryPageSettings event of a Printer.
EnumerationSpecifies the printer's duplex setting. This is a cross-platform version of System.Drawing.Printing.Duplex.
EnumerationSpecifies page printing order
EnumerationSpecifies page scaling
EnumerationSpecifies the standard paper sizes. This is a cross-platform version of System.Drawing.Printing.
EnumerationStandard paper sources. This is a cross-platform version of System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSourceKind.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of print operation occurring.
EnumerationSpecifies the part of the document to print. This is a cross-platform version of System.Drawing.Printing.PrintRange.
See Also