public enum ReportProcessingError : System.Enum
'Declaration Public Enum ReportProcessingError Inherits System.Enum
Member | Description |
BlankValueAssignedToNonBlankParameter | Parameters validation error: ReportException.ErrorData provides name of the parameter. |
CommandTextNotBeenSet | Command is empty. |
CyclicParameter | Cyclic dependencies in parameters: ReportException.ErrorData provides name of the parameter. |
CyclicSubreportReferences | |
DataSetNotFound | Specified data set is not found. |
DataSetNotSpecified | Not specified shared data set. |
InfinitePages | Internal loop in pages processing observed. |
InvalidData | Invalid data or cannot access to date with current configuration. |
InvalidDataTypeForParameter | Parameters validation error: ReportException.ErrorData provides name of the parameter. |
InvalidKeyInConnectionString | Invalid key in connection string |
InvalidLibrary | Something wrong in library. |
InvalidQueryParameters | Cannot parse/process data set query parameters. |
InvalidReport | Something wrong in report structure. |
InvalidSharedDataSource | No assess to shared data source: ReportException.ErrorData provides name of the data source. |
InvalidTheme | Invalid theme was specified. |
JsonSchemaNotAvailableOrInvalid | Json schema specified in connection string of JSON data provider is not available or invalid. |
NoDataSets | Not specified shared data set. |
NoMasterReport | No master report was found. |
NoPermission | DB assess error. |
NullValueAssignedToNonNullableParameter | Parameters validation error: ReportException.ErrorData provides name of the parameter. |
ParameterNotValidated | Parameters validation error: ReportException.ErrorData provides name of the parameter. |
ParameterValueIsNotValid | Parameters validation error: ReportException.ErrorData provides name of the parameter. |
ScriptCompilationFailed | Describe script compilation problem: ReportException.ErrorData provides errors array. |
ScriptError | Describe script execution problem. |
SubreportNotFound | No subreport was found. |
UnableToCreateConnection | Can not connect to data source. |
UnexpectedCharacterWhileParsingPath | Unexpected character while parsing path. |