MESCIUS.ActiveReports Assembly / GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Data Namespace / IListDataSource Interface
Members Example

IListDataSource Interface
Wrapper over System.Collections.IList interface to use it as data source: GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReport.DataSource. This should be used only if performance of current implementation is not enough. This snippet shows how to implement the interface with Note: Product here is custom business object. class Product { public int ProductID { get; set; } public string ProductName { get; set; } } class FastListDataSource : IListDataSource { private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IList < Product > _list; private readonly System.Data.IDataReader _reader; public FastListDataSource(System.Collections.Generic.IList < Product > list) { _list = list; _reader = FastMember.ObjectReader.Create(_list); } public object GetValue(string fieldName, int ordinal) { var index = fieldName.IndexOf('.'); if (index == -1) return _reader.GetValue(ordinal); var fields = fieldName.Split('.'); var target = _reader.GetValue(ordinal); for (int i = 1; i != fields.Length; i++) target = FastMember.ObjectAccessor.Create(target)[fields[i]]; return target; } public int GetOrdinal(string fieldName) { var index = fieldName.IndexOf('.'); if (index == -1) return _reader.GetOrdinal(fieldName); return _reader.GetOrdinal(fieldName.Substring(0, index)); } public System.Collections.IList List => (System.Collections.IList)_list; public System.Data.IDataReader DataReader => _reader; }
Object Model
IListDataSource Interface
Public Interface IListDataSource 
This snippet shows how to implement the interface with Note: Product here is custom business object.
class Product
	public int ProductID { get; set; }
	public string ProductName { get; set; }
class FastListDataSource : IListDataSource
	private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IList < Product > _list;
	private readonly System.Data.IDataReader _reader;
	public FastListDataSource(System.Collections.Generic.IList < Product > list)
		_list = list;
		_reader = FastMember.ObjectReader.Create(_list);
	public object GetValue(string fieldName, int ordinal)
		var index = fieldName.IndexOf('.');
		if (index == -1)
			return _reader.GetValue(ordinal);
		var fields = fieldName.Split('.');
		var target = _reader.GetValue(ordinal);
		for (int i = 1; i != fields.Length; i++)
			target = FastMember.ObjectAccessor.Create(target)[fields[i]];
		return target;
	public int GetOrdinal(string fieldName)
		var index = fieldName.IndexOf('.');
		if (index == -1)
			return _reader.GetOrdinal(fieldName);
		return _reader.GetOrdinal(fieldName.Substring(0, index));
	public System.Collections.IList List => (System.Collections.IList)_list;
	public System.Data.IDataReader DataReader => _reader;
See Also